cod. 00567

Academic year 2024/25
3° year of course - First semester
Academic discipline
Lingua e letteratura latina (L-FIL-LET/04)
Attività formative affini o integrative
Type of training activity
30 hours
of face-to-face activities
6 credits
hub: PARMA
course unit

Learning objectives

At the end of the course students will have acquired knowledge related to the works and the Latin literature seen as the starting point of the following cultural phenomenons until today.

-Learning outcomes:
Knowledge and understanding: Specifically designed for students with a background in history of art and theatre, this course provides them with a sketch of Latin literature in a historical perspective.
-Applying knowledge and understanding: Students should be able to read other texts by the same author or other author, applying the methods discussed in class. Pupils are requested to outline the context and be able to read some simple scientific essays.
-Making judgements: Students should be able to assess whether the information provided by a text is sufficient to support a hypothesis or a statement.
-Communication skills:Students should be able to describe the main features of Latin literature and outline the texts they have read.
-Learning skills: Latin literature helps to develop those learning skills (e.g. analysis, synthesis, etc.), necessary both for an increasing specialization and for the job market.



Course unit content

1) Institutional Part: History of Latin Literature

2) Monographic Part: Reading of Ovid's Metamorphoses

Full programme

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1) Institutional Part: Latin Literature

The Students have to choose the PATH A or the PATH B.

History of the Latin Literature "traditional"

- Gian Biagio Conte, "Letteratura latina", 2 voll., Firenze, F. Le Monnier, 2002, ISBN 88-00-86045-1; oppure Giovanna Garbarino, "Storia e testi della letteratura latina", con la collaborazione di Sergio A. Cecchin e Laura Fiocchi, 2 voll., Torino, Paravia, 2001, ISBN 978-88-395-3109-4; oppure A. Cavarzere, A. De Vivo, P. Mastrandrea, "Letteratura latina. Una sintesi storica", II ed., Roma, Carocci, 2015 (Manuali universitari, 6), ISBN 978-88-430-7668-0; Paolo Fedeli, Ermanno Malaspina, Luca Antonelli, "Le parole di Roma. Storia della letteratura latina", Milano, Utet Università, 2023, ISBN 978-88-6008-859. Or the handbook of the Secondary School.

Reagind of the main Authors of the Latin Literature

I. Essential Informations about the Authors (chronology, works, genre, ecc.) based on the following handbooks :
Gian Biagio Conte, "Letteratura latina", 2 voll., Firenze, F. Le Monnier, 2002, ISBN 88-00-86045-1; oppure Giovanna Garbarino, "Storia e testi della letteratura latina", con la collaborazione di Sergio A. Cecchin e Laura Fiocchi, 2 voll., Torino, Paravia, 2001, ISBN 978-88-395-3109-4; oppure A. Cavarzere, A. De Vivo, P. Mastrandrea, "Letteratura latina. Una sintesi storica", II ed., Roma, Carocci, 2015 (Manuali universitari, 6), ISBN 978-88-430-7668-0; Paolo Fedeli, Ermanno Malaspina, Luca Antonelli, "Le parole di Roma. Storia della letteratura latina", Milano, Utet Università, 2023, ISBN 978-88-6008-859 (RECOMMENDED).

2) Monographic Part: Reading of Ovid's Metamorphoses

- Italian Translation: Publio Ovidio Nasone, “Metamorfosi”, a cura di Piero Bernardini Marzolla, con uno scritto di Italo Calvino, Torino, Einaudi, 1994, e successive ristampe, (Einaudi tascabili, 172), ISBN 978-88-06-22701-2.

- Commentary: Ovidio, "Metamorfosi", a cura di Alessandro Barchiesi, testo critico basato sull’edizione oxoniense di Richard Tarrant. I: 1: Libri I-II, con un saggio introduttivo di Charles Segal, traduzione di Ludovica Koch, [Milano], Fondazione Lorenzo Valla-A. Mondadori, 2005, V ed. 2019, (Scrittori greci e latini), ISBN 978-88-04-54481-4.

3) Critical Reading Bodo Guthmüller, “Iconografia e iconologia della Sala dei Giganti di Giulio Romano”, in ID., “Mito, poesia, arte. Saggi sulla tradizione ovidiana nel Rinascimento”, Roma, Bulzoni, 1997 (Biblioteca del Cinquecento, 69), pp. 291-307. > Il saggio sarà reso disponibile su Elly del relativo a. a.

Teaching methods

Teaching methods:Lessons will always start with a reading of Ovids' Meetamorphoses I in translation. Difficult passages will be explained and commented upon. Readings will be the starting point to discuss several aspects of the ancient civilization and to highlight contacts with the contemporary culture. Students are invited to participate in class: after a general and propedeutic introduction, they are supposed to present their comments on the texts. The module will be taught by lectures and seminars.

Assessment methods and criteria

Examination: Participation in class helps students to learn little by little, and is fundamental to assess the general level of the pupils. Depending on it, some parts of the programme mights lightly vary. The exam is oral and will touch upon each part of the programme. Students will be judged on:
- Comprehension of the general development of Latin literature;
- Comprehension and comments on the texts read;
- How pertinent answers given are;
- Clarity and precision of language.
Students will pass the exam only if they meet the first two criteria and answer correctly to at least 60% of the answers, in accordance with the other criteria.
A pass (18-23/30) is determined by the student’s possession of the minimum, fundamental contents of the course, an adequate level of autonomous preparation and ability to solve problems related to information retrieval and the decoding of complex texts, as wellas an acceptable level of ability in making inependent judgments. Middle-rangescores (24-27/30) are assigned to the student who produces evidence of a more than sufficien tlevel (24-25/30) or good level (26-27/30) in the evaluation indicators listed above. Higherscores (from 28/30 to 30/30 cum laude) are awarded on the basis of the student’s demonstration of a very good or excellent level in the evaluation indicators listed above.

Other information

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