cod. 1005446

Academic year 2022/23
1° year of course - First semester
Academic discipline
Logica e filosofia della scienza (M-FIL/02)
Storia della filosofia e istituzioni di filosofia
Type of training activity
60 hours
of face-to-face activities
12 credits
hub: PARMA
course unit

Learning objectives

1-knowing and comprehension capability
Analytical reading of texts and capability to orient oneself in reading
2 -knowing and applied comprehension capabilities
Learn to orient yourself in reading and to form your own opinion on the topics covered
3-4-5 independent judgment, communicative skills, learning capabilities
Ability to follow and learn. Ability to intervene in the discussion.


There are no prerequisites.

Course unit content

The aim of the course is to provide an understanding of the logic of propositions and predicates. The presentation is in natural deduction style. After providing some historical elements, I introduce the languages and derivation procedures. Particular importance will be given to the discovery of proof..

Full programme

The origins of logic as deductive system, historical elements; Aristotelian and Stoic logic, the logic of consequences (outline)
- presentation of a logical system in the style of natural deduction
- The propositional calculus:
rules of introduction / elimination of connectives
disjunction elimination rule
rule of reduction to absurdity
conditional proof rule
demonstrations of sequences and theorems
syntax of the propositional calculation
truth tables
the consistency and completeness of the propositional calculus
elementary notions of mathematics
- logic of predicates
Introductory elements
Translation of natural language phrases into the logical one
rules for introducing / eliminating quantifiers
models, definition of truth
the consistency and completeness of the predicative calculus


Manual: E.J. Lemmon, Elements of logic, Laterza
additional reference material at: http:
/ / www.slprbo.unipr.it (folder 'documents') and password to the User
Students enrolled in the course
Additional references
F.B. Fitch, Symbolic Logic, New York 1951
E.J. Lemmon, Beginning logic, London 1965
B. Mates, Elementary logic, New York 1965
M. E. Szabo, Collected Papers of Gerhard Gentzen, North-Holland, 1969
P. Suppes, Introduction to logic, Princeton 195

Teaching methods

Oral lessons

Assessment methods and criteria

final written exam or, in the case of online teaching, oral exam with connection on Teaams. In the tests the following are checked in particular: 1) understanding of the texts, 2) ability to use an appropriate technical-philosophical language; 3) clarity in defining and exposing the topics addressed in the course.

Other information

Non-attending students are required to know the manual and read the additional bibliographic material

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