Learning objectives
The course aims to enable the student to know and understand the
essential elements of care and management of Puerperium.
Another key objective is the ability to apply knowledge and
understanding during the tests d 'exam.
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Course unit content
The course deals with the different characteristics of Purperium, the assistance to the physiological newborn and the contribution to parenting.
Important contents are the role of the Midwife and her Duties during
assistance to the mother, the couple and the newborn.
Full programme
- The physiological Puerperium.
- Assistance to the puerpera.
- Assistance to the newborn.
- Hospital discharge.
- Baby blues.
- The couple.
• D. Calistri, W.Costantini, Ostetrica, Piccinin 2015A.
• Pescetto, De Cecco, Pecorari, Ragni, OSTETRICIA E GINECOLOGIA
In addition, each lesson will be supported by educational materials and
Teaching methods
The modalities of teaching will be lectures supported by slides.
Assessment methods and criteria
The assessment of the achievement of the objectives set by the course
includes an oral assessment.
The assessment will be made in order to ensure the achievement of the
knowledge and understanding of the content.
The final score of the course will result from the oral assessment, as well
as the evaluation of classroom attendance and participation.
Other information
Slides and shared protocols of the Obstetric Unit of Ospedale Maggiore -
2030 agenda goals for sustainable development
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