cod. 1006920

Academic year 2022/23
2° year of course - Second semester
Academic discipline
Musicologia e storia della musica (L-ART/07)
Attività formative affini o integrative
Type of training activity
30 hours
of face-to-face activities
6 credits
hub: PARMA
course unit

Learning objectives

At the end of the course, the student will be able to independently assess the importance of the sociocultural interconnections examined (Knowledge and Understanding skills) and will be able to relate them in a logical and coherent way to the development of European music (Autonomy of judgment). The student will also acquire the correct technical vocabulary useful to adequately describe the musical phenomena (Communication skills), and will be able to extend to other historical periods the method learned in the course (Ability to learn).


Knowledge of the basic facts of medieval and early modern European history. No previous specific knowledge in the musical sphere is required.

Course unit content

The course presents the historical, social and musical bases useful for understanding the relationship between the production of music (sacred, devotional, and profane) and European society, from the Middle Ages to the early modern age. The following topics will be discussed in chronological order: the birth of musical writing and the evolution of it in different European social and cultural contexts; the use of monody and polyphony in the sacred and profane contexts; the teaching of music in the medieval university and the problems related to the writing of rhythm.

Full programme

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No supplementary or different readings for non-attending students.
- Basic book: Musica e società, vol. I: Dall’Alto Medioevo al 1640, eds. Paolo Fabbri and Maria Chiara Bertieri, Milan (etc.), McGraw Hill, 2012.
- Two freely chosen chapters taken from: Atlante storico della musica nel Medioevo, eds. Vera Minazzi and Cesarino Ruini, Milan, Jaca Book, 2011.
- Two freely chosen essays (but with different subjects from the two chapters taken from the Atlante storico della musica nel Medioevo) among the following texts: GIACOMO BAROFFIO, MARK EVERIST, JOHN STINSON, VINCENZO BORGHETTI, STANLEY BOORMAN contained in the book Il libro di musica. Per una storia materiale delle fonti musicali in Europa, ed. Carlo Fiore, Palermo, L’Epos, 2004, pp. 21-41, 43-64, 65-87, 89-114, 115-136).

Teaching methods

The course consists of lectures enriched by exemplary musical material shown through Powerpoint slides and facsimile editions. Some guided listening will exemplify the repertories examined, and class discussions are also scheduled.

Assessment methods and criteria

The exam will be a viva interview on those days scheduled by the Department.
An in-depth study of the texts and essays indicated in the bibliography is required, the knowledge of which will be evaluated in a series of questions that will verify:
- the ability to contextualise the main European events related to the development of musical phenomena;
- the ability to connect those historical and social events to contemporary musical developments.
Both abilities will compete equally in determining the final grade (out of thirty). The additional critical look at the subject matter will yield, if judged appropriate and relevant, outcomes of excellence. The final mark will be communicated immediately to the student.

Other information

Audio system, video, computer online on the internet.

2030 agenda goals for sustainable development

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