Learning objectives
The course aims to provide students with the fundamental notions of the special part of Criminal Law, with reference to the interests considered worthy of protection from the law and the method of their selection, as well as the instruments to protect such interests provided by the special part of Criminal Law.
At the end of the course students are expected to be able to know the legal rules contained in the Penal Code and in some special laws that regulates other offense, to understand the rationale underlying their placement within the system and to perceive the “political-criminal” dimension of the criminal law expressed by the special part; to remember the concepts acquired during the course of Criminal Law I and to understand how the general part of Criminal Law interacts with the special one (knowledge and ability to understand); to critically analyze in an autonomous way the jurisprudence and cases taken from reality, identifying the stages of legal reasoning that in relation to them has found development and critical ideas to differentiate them from other cases (autonomy of judgment); to apply the concepts acquired to concrete cases with the purpose to solve them, under the guidance of the teacher, by using the techniques of legal argumentation and public exposure (application skills of knowledge and communication skills); and for those students who will attend the classes, to be able to realize a collective study of cases and elaborate solutions in the context of the proposed mock trial.
In order to be able to take the exam of Criminal Law II, it is necessary to have passed the following exams: Institutions of Private Law, Institutions of Roman Law and Criminal Law I.
Course unit content
The course concerns, on the one hand, the study of the entire special part of the penal code; the most important introductory concepts of the special part will therefore be analyzed as well as the individual titles of the code, with particular reference to the perspective of protection. On the other hand, crimes against life and individual safety will be dealt with in depth. The purpose is to make students able to acquire a method of analysis of specific legal problems that the special part of Criminal Law poses and to make them learn adequate techniques of interpretation of crimes.
The second part of the course will be dedicated to mock trial on some cases related to crimes against life and individual safety.
Full programme
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- Elementi di diritto penale. Parte speciale: introduzione e analisi dei titoli / Alberto Cadoppi, Paolo Veneziani. - 7. ed [Padova] : CEDAM (in the process of being published)
- Elementi di diritto penale. Parte speciale. Delitti contro la vita e l'incolumità individuale / Alberto Cadoppi, Paolo Veneziani. – [Padova]: CEDAM (in the process of being published)
Teaching methods
In order to allow the students to attend the course with advancement, at the beginning of the course the professor will verify the preliminary knowledge of the students and plan a review of some fundamental notions and basic principles.
The students will have an active participation during the classes, also through group works. The professor will use slides with outlines of the fundamental institutes. The argomentative skills of the students will be developed also through discussions and debates. Experts of the discipline will be invited. Mock trials in groups will be carried out.
For those students who will attend the classes, the cases assigned by the professor and analyzed in the classroom during the lessons should be considered an integral part of the teaching material.
Elly will be used for the publication of research materials and decisions and the professor will inform the students about the publication of these materials.
Assessment methods and criteria
The final summative assessment, with a mark out of thirty, consists of an oral exam that includes at least three questions, with reference to the recommended texts.
The objective of the final oral exam will be to verify, first of all, the comprehension of the general concepts related to the special part of the Penal Code through open questions whose answers should cover all the fundamental elements of the subject matter of the application. The final exam also aims at evaluating the student’s ability to use an appropriate legal language, to analyze the different practical cases through by using the acquired notions and to interpret the rules with a systematic method. The threshold of sufficiency will be reached if students will be able to demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the fundamental institutes. The mark of the oral exam is communicated immediately at the end of the exam itself.
Intermediate exams are not provided for the students who will attend the classes. The latter will be actively involved in the mock trials. One question during the exam will concern the mock trial, in order to test the understanding of the issues addressed and the mechanisms for resolving the cases submitted. The positive outcome of the mock trial will be taken into account in the attribution of the final mark.
Other information
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