Learning objectives
The student is first of all called to understand the particular historical-literary conditions within which Italo Calvino worked. Secondly, he will be encouraged to acquire competence and autonomy both in the reading of the narrative text and in that of the critical essay. Finally, it will be required to critically discuss and compare non-fiction and narrative materials with each other, highlighting elements of continuity, discontinuity and broad and long-term problems.
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Course unit content
Italo Calvino.
Italo Calvino's literary work is placed at the center of the Italian twentieth century, crossing some of the most important literary currents of this century.
Through a large series of readings, the course intends to provide an insight into the literary history of the forties, fifties, sixties and seventies and an examination of the poetic narrative crossed by the author, against the background of the cultural and literary debates that have alternated in those years. Particular attention will be given to the speeches that the Author dedicates to readers and to reading both in their transposition into narrative images (through the numerous reader characters scattered throughout his work) and in the articulation of critical essays and, and finally, in the letters and in the writings dedicated to his editorial work at the Einaudi publishing house.
Full programme
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1) Reading of four narrative works chosen by the student between Il sentiero dei nidi di ragno; Ultimo viene il corvo; Il visconte dimezzato; Il Barone rampante; La giornata di uno scrutatore; Gli amori difficili; Se una notte d’inverno un viaggiatore
2) Isotta Piazza, I personaggi lettori nell’opera di Italo Calvino, Milano, Unicopli, 2009
3) Other materials will be uploaded to the platform ellydusic
Teaching methods
Frontal lessons. The method of providing lessons will scrupulously follow the indications and any updates provided by the University. Where possible, attendance in the classroom is strongly recommended.
Assessment methods and criteria
The assessment will normally be oral. The evaluation criteria will concern the acquisition of background information on the subject and, at the same time, the ability of analytical description and critical interpretation of the texts.
Other information
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2030 agenda goals for sustainable development
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