cod. 1008882

Academic year 2021/22
2° year of course - Second semester
Antonio D'ALOIA
Academic discipline
Diritto costituzionale (IUS/08)
A scelta dello studente
Type of training activity
Student's choice
36 hours
of face-to-face activities
6 credits
hub: PARMA
course unit

Learning objectives

The course aims to provide students with a basic knowledge of the Constitution, the fundamental principles of democratic society, the fundamental rights and duties of people, the functioning of public institutions, the Italian form of government and its main evolutionary trends, as well as new issues of contemporary constitutionalism and global challenges that democracies are already called to face today.
The course intends to contribute to the formation of professionals who know how to participate responsibly and actively, according to their specific skills, in the social, civil and cultural life of the community, respecting the rules, rights and duties of each person.
At the end of the course, the student will have matured
- the basic knowledge of the Constitution, the fundamental principles of the contemporary legal system and the functioning of democratic institutions;
- the ability to understand, evaluate, even critically, the topics covered in the course;
- the ability to apply the acquired knowledge to concrete cases and to the dynamics of daily life.


No prerequisites are required.
The course is open to all students enrolled in any degree program at the University of Parma with the exception of those enrolled in the Law degree course

Course unit content

The course is built around the keywords of Constitutional law and will focus also on current issues.
The lessons will concern the concept of Constitution and Italian constitutional history; the concept of democracy and contemporary challenges; the principles and mechanisms of functioning of the Italian Republic ( the principle of political representation; the right to vote and electoral laws; the role and transformation of political parties; the principle of separation of powers and constitutional bodies; the parliamentary form of government and constitutional reforms; the role of Parliament in contemporary democracies; the organs of constitutional guarantee and the instruments of direct democracy); the fundamental principles of the Italian Constitution (in particular, the personalist principle, the principle of social pluralism and the principle of solidarity); the status of Italian and foreign citizens; the concept of "Founded on Work" and the principle of equality; the economic and social Constitution; the process of European integration and current issues; the relationship between Religion and Law; scientific research, bioethics, technologies and Constitution (with reference to the discipline of the beginning and end of life and the challenges posed by artificial intelligence); the constitutional protection of the environment and landscape and the principle of sustainability; social media and democracy.
During the course, if the health emergency conditions will be fine, a guided tour at the Senate of the Republic and the Chamber of Deputies will be organized, where students will also have the opportunity to attend the sessions of the branches of Parliament.

Full programme

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A) For students enrolled in degree courses other than Political Science and International Relations (SPERI) and International and European Relations (RIE)
Valerio Onida, La Costituzione, Bologna, Il Mulino, latest edition.
Further materials will be uploaded on the platform Elly during the course.

B) For students enrolled in Political Science and International Relations (SPERI)
1) Valerio Onida, La Costituzione, Bologna, Il Mulino, ultima edizione;
2) M. Fioravanti, Stato costituzionale in trasformazione, Mucchi Editore, 2021;
3) M. Barberis, Lo Stato costituzionale e le sue alternative, Mucchi Editore, 2020;
Further materials will be uploaded on the platform Elly during the course.

C) For students enrolled in International and Europea Relations (SPERI)
1) Valerio Onida, La Costituzione, Bologna, Il Mulino, ultima edizione;
2) A. D’Aloia, saggio Le declinazioni dell’eguaglianza, in corso di pubblicazione;
Further materials will be uploaded on the platform Elly during the course.

Teaching methods

The course will be carried out through frontal lessons.
During the course, a guided tour will also be organized at the Senate of the Republic and the Chamber of Deputies, where students will also have the opportunity to attend the sessions of the branches of Parliament.

Assessment methods and criteria

The test consists of an oral examination.
The evaluation will focus on
- the knowledge of the topics in which the course is structured;
- the ability to grasp the main evolutionary trends of the subject;
- the ability to connect the different themes studied;
- the ability to critically elaborate the acquired knowledge.

In the case of health emergency, the exam can be held in presence, in mixed mode (i.e. in presence, but with the possibility of support also at a distance for students who request it), or only with online mode for all (at a distance). The examination's modality will be promptly communicated on the esse3 system in advance of the exam.

Other information

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2030 agenda goals for sustainable development

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