cod. 1009415

Academic year 2022/23
2° year of course - First semester
Academic discipline
Psicologia sociale (M-PSI/05)
Psicologia sociale e del lavoro
Type of training activity
42 hours
of face-to-face activities
6 credits
hub: PARMA
course unit

Learning objectives

At the end of the course the student should have acquired knowledge and skills related to the analysis of behaviors and psychosocial processes in digital societies. The student should also have developed:
1) the ability to understand and face, with independent judgment and a critical sense, the questions and challenges posed by digital societies (especially through discussion in class around socially relevant issues);
2) the ability to use and apply the knowledge deriving from social psychology to the role of psychologist in digital societies (especially through exercises and classroom simulations);
3) the ability to design targeted psychosocial interventions (especially through classroom reflection on how research results can be applied to reality and group work implemented with the supervision of the teacher);
4) the ability to communicate clearly and to critically discuss theoretical models, research, and practical applications related to the topics addressed during the course.


Elements of social psychology.

English: ability to understand scientific articles.

Course unit content

The course will focus on the latest theoretical and research approaches in social psychology applied to digital media. We will analyze how
the new media can mediate, resignify and modify the self-perception and other perception, the interpersonal and intergroup relationships, as well as social influence processes. The course is aimed of: a) to provide a psychosocial key to understanding human beings behaviors in relation to digital media, b) to provide useful tools to design psychological and psychosocial interventions that are able to face the new and complex challenges of digital societies.

Full programme

1. Definitions, evolution and future of the new media
2. New media and adaptation processes
3. Concepts for a theory of situated interaction (situation, mediation, affordance, presence, flow)
4. Psychosocial Effects of New Media:
a) New media and virtual identity
c) Online interpersonal relationships
c) Stereotypes, prejudices and forms of online discrimination
d) New media and social social influence (fake news and conspiracy theories)
5. Problematic use of new media
6. Positive Technology: serius games and other wellness applications


G. Riva (2012, 3^ edizione). Psicologia dei nuovi media. Bologna: Il Mulino.
M.G. Pacilli, I. Giovanelli, F. Spaccatini, a cura di (2021). Psicologia sociale dei media digitali. Maggioli Editore.

A book to be chosen from:
G. Riva (2016, 2^ edizione). I social network. Bologna: Il Mulino.
G. Riva (2018). Fake News. Bologna: Il Mulino.
M. Fasoli (2019). Il benessere digitale. Bologna. Il Mulino.
S. Triberti, L. Argenton 2013). Psicologia dei videogiochi. Milano: Apogeo.
E. Arielli, P. Bottazzini. Idee virali. Perchè i pensieri si diffondono. Bologna: Il Mulino.

Chapters or scientific articles to supplement the manuals will be provided in class.

Teaching methods

Lectures with spaces for interaction with students, seminars with experts, and individual study will be proposed in order to facilitate the acquisition of theoretical knowledge. Simulations, exercises, and discussions - in small or large groups - will be offered to facilitate the development of competences, to encourage the acquisition of the ability to apply this knowledge, to enhance independent judgment and communication skills.
Lectures will be held on-site in compliance with safety standards, provided that further instructions on the ongoing health emergency are not implemented. Supporting material will be available on the specific, student-reserved platform (Elly) and will include slide presentations, audio-video aids or links.

Assessment methods and criteria

The exam includes a written test, an oral exam.
A) a written exam consisting first of all of multiple choice questions. The writing is aimed at ascertaining the theoretical knowledge, it will be evaluated in thirtieths and will have a weight on the final evaluation evaluation of 30%. The student who does not get at least 18/30 cannot access the oral exam.
C) Through the oral examination (weight 70%), the following competences will be assessed the ability: a) to understand and deal with questions posed by postmodern society with autonomy and critical sense; b) to communicate clearly and to discuss critically the arguments addressed; c) to apply the skills learned to the reality and work of the psychologist.
The oral exam foresees at least three questions on different topics of the course, in which the following aspects will be evaluated: a) the knowledge , i.e., how much the student deals with the topics in detail; b) the expositive and argumentative competences, i.e., how precise is the language used to expose the concepts and how coherent and logical is the concatenation of the concepts presented; c) the degree of autonomy achieved and the critical competences acquired, i.e., how much the student is able to apply the concepts and theories learned to reality and how much he/she is able to reflect in a cyclical way on the questions posed.
The final grade will be given by the weighted average of the points obtained in each of the criteria indicated above.

Other information

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