Steering Committee
The Steering Committee, which is composed of a representation of Course of Study professors and representatives from the world of work, ensures constant liaison with the world of business and the world of work, in order to assess the progress of the Course of Study, to draw up proposals for the definition and design of the course catalogue and learning objectives, and to promote contacts for possible internships of students in companies and institutions.
Composition of the Steering Committee
(appointed by the Department Council of Humanities, Social Sciences and Cultural Industries of January the 31st 2018, on a proposal of the Course Council of January the 24th 2018)
- MANCINI Tiziana (Course President)
- Dr. CAVALLINI Francesca (President of the Social Coopeative TICD)
- Dr. VANNI Fabio (manager for the “Programma adolescenza” of the Parma AUSL and also a member of the Department Steering Committee)
- Dr. GRAZIOLI Alberto (Executive Psychologist - Psychotherapist UOS of NPIA South East District, Highly Specialized Appointment - Responsible for Company Traineeships in Psychology-Psychotherapy UOC of Clinical and Community Psychology, AUSL of Parma)
- Dr. MARCHESINI Roberta (Responsible for the Socio-Educational Line of Proges and administrator of Minimonde, a company under Belgian law set up by the cooperative for the management of the nests of the European Community of Brussels)
- Dr. RAIMONDI Gabriele (President of the Order of Psychologists of Emilia Romagna)