Postgraduate training

How to formalise previous professional training in psychology under the new guidelines – Tirocinio Pratico Valutativo (TPV)

TRANSITIONARY PHASE FOR LM51 GRADUATES (Ministerial Decree N. 657, 20/06/2022)

With the approval of new legislation converting the previous master’s degree in psychology (LM51) into a professionally certifying degree, the process of professional certification has also been modified. In this transitional period, the regional Joint Committee for Professional Training (Commissione Paritetica Tirocini della Regione Emilia Romagna), composed of members of the Regional Board of Psychologists (Ordine Regionale degli Psicologi) and representatives from the Universities of Parma and Bologna, has recently approved the new certification procedures for post-graduate training linked to degrees which did not previously provide professional accreditation. Some administrative aspects of these procedures, however, remain undefined. Candidates are advised to check this page regularly for updates.

What is Tirocinio Pratico Valutativo (TPV)?

The TPV consists of 750 hours of professional training activities (corresponding to 30 University Credits) completed in certified external structures that have an official agreement with the university. TPV training cannot be completed within the structures of the university itself.

The regional Joint Committee for Professional Training (Commissione Paritetica Tirocini della Regione Emilia Romagna) recommends that the period of TPV training should have a minimum duration of 5 months and a maximum duration of one year. Trainees should work approximately 20/30 hours a week (4/5 hours per day). TPV training can be completed as follows:

  • 50 hours in a single structure.
  • 500 hours in one structure and 250 hours in another.
  • 375 hours in one structure and 375 hours in another.

How to start your TPV training

Graduates starting a period of professional training must now complete 750 hours of TPV. To begin TPV training, graduates must compile and submit modules A and D. Instructions for the completion of these documents are attached to module D.

Trainees who started their period of training AFTER 20/06/2022

Candidates who began their professional training after 20/06/2022 must complete 750 hours of TPV training. Candidates can modify the total number of hours on their existing training agreement as follows: from 1000 hours to 750, from 500 hours to 750, from 500 hours to 375, and from 500 hours to 250.

To modify the total number of hours, candidates should send module A in a single email addressed to at the end of the training period. Module A should be signed by the candidate’s tutor, who certifies:

  • The number of hours completed.
  • That the candidate has fulfilled the objectives set for this period of training.
  • In the case of an increase of the total hours of training, that any additional objectives set with respect to the original project have been fulfilled by the candidate.

For the purpose of professional certification, a maximum of 750 hours of those completed can be recognised. Any additional hours can be completed on a voluntary basis in accordance with the guidelines adopted by each individual structure; however, the candidate will not be covered on the insurance policy associated with the compulsory training period.

To obtain professional certification, candidates must pass a practical exam known as the PPV (Prova Pratica Valutativa). The format and duration of the PPV are as of yet unknown; candidates are advised to check this page regularly for updates.

Trainees who started their period of training on and before 20/06/2022

There are two options available for graduates who began their period of 1000 hours of professional training before 20/06/2022 and have not yet completed it. They can:

  • Complete 1000 hours of professional training and take the previously valid State Examination (Esame di Stato) to obtain professional certification.
  • Complete 750 hours of TPV training and take the PPV (Prova Pratica Valutativa) to obtain professional certification. Candidates can modify the total number of hours on their existing training agreement as follows: from 1000 hours to 750, from 500 hours to 750, from 500 hours to 375, and from 500 hours to 250.

Candidates who chose the second option (TPV) must submit module A at the end of their training period. This module should be signed by the candidate’s tutor and sent in a single email addressed to The tutor certifies:

  • The number of hours completed.
  • That the candidate has fulfilled the objectives set for this period of training.
  • In the case of an increase of the total hours of training, that any additional objectives set with respect to the original project have been fulfilled by the candidate.

The format and duration of the PPV are as of yet unknown; candidates are advised to check this page regularly for updates.

What do I have to do at the end of my professional training period?

Candidates who have completed 1000 hours of professional training

At the end of both semesters of training, these candidates must:

  • Return their completed training register (libretto di tirocinio) to the Student Amministration Office (Segreteria Studenti) in via D’Azeglio 85 by certified post or in person. Scanned copies sent via email will not be accepted.
  • Send the two completed copies (one by the candidate, one by the tutor) of the training evaluation questionnaire (modules E and F) via email to

If the two semesters of training were completed in two separate structures, or in two separate sections of the same structure (with two separate tutors), candidates and their tutors must complete two copies of the questionnaire – one for each semester. If the two semesters of training were completed in the same structure with the same tutor, candidates and tutors must complete the questionnaires with reference to the entire period of training.

Candidates who have completed 750 hours of TPV

These candidates must:

  • Return their completed training register (libretto di tirocinio) to the Student Amministration Offices (Segreteria Studenti) in via D’Azeglio 85 by certified post or in person. Scanned copies sent via email will not be accepted.
  • Send the TPV evaluation questionnaire completed by their tutor (module C) via email to

Candidates who have converted their 1000 hours of professional training into TPV

These candidates must:

  • Return their completed training register (libretto di tirocinio) to the Student Amministration Offices (Segreteria Studenti) in via D’Azeglio 85 by certified post or in person. Scanned copies sent via email will not be accepted.
  • Send the two completed copies (one by the candidate, one by the tutor) of the training evaluation questionnaire (modules E and F) referring to the pre-TPV period of training and the copy of the TPV evaluation questionnaire completed by the tutor (module C) via email to
  • Send Module A (completed and signed by the tutor on headed paper) via email to

Affiliated structures for the TPV

Structures eligible for the graduate training (TPV) must be affiliated with the University, with accredited sites and supervisors.


The professor responsible for postgraduate training in the psychology area is Prof. Luca Caricati, available on Tuesdays from 2 to 4 p.m. in his office at B.go Carissimi 10.

For information on the administration of postgraduate training, please write to
Reception by appointment only at Via M. D'Azeglio, 85.



Toll-free number

800 904 084

Student registry office


Quality assurance office

Education manager:
Ms. Cristiana Gandini
T. +39 0521 905113
Office E.
Manager E.

President of the degree course

Prof. Tiziana Mancini

Guidance delegate

Prof. Valentina Grazia

Career guidance delegate

Prof. Alessandro Musetti


Erasmus delegates

Prof. Luca Caricati

Quality assurance manager

Prof. Paola Corsano


Alessandro Musetti

Postgraduate trainings

Prof. Luca Caricati

Tutor students

Ms. Carlotta Degli Esposti

Ms. Maddalena Vavassori