cod. 1008618

Academic year 2021/22
1° year of course - Second semester
Cristina CHIARI
Academic discipline
Pedagogia sperimentale (M-PED/04)
Attività formative affini o integrative
Type of training activity
42 hours
of face-to-face activities
6 credits
hub: PARMA
course unit

Learning objectives

At the end of the course the student will be able to: - know appropriately the most important aspects of the evolution of educational and social-health services in Italy; - know the different models of the design and management that now constitute the complex network of education and social-health services – know the main instances of the debate about the planning and evaluation related to educational services of the educational-pedagogical and social-health model; - know and analyze assessment tools concerning the quality of education and socio-health services - examine the requirements for accreditation of the educational and social-health structures and to identify and define indicators for assessing the quality of projects and services.


Knowledge of the fundamentals of psychology of the developmental age, social and comunity psychology.
It will also be useful to the student the knowledge of the teaching program of Psychology of family relationships.

Course unit content

The course intends to propose a critical reading of the complexity of the socio-educational (with a special attention to the first and second childhood) and social-health services, as they have developed in Italy during their evolution, with a perspective on the leading companies, whether public or private, operating in the area today. From issues such as the planning (of services and/or educational and social-health interventions), documentation, organization, management of human resources, we’ll try to focus on the methods of evaluation that best describe the quality of these services. Among the issues to be discussed, special attention will be paid to the concept of generalised and equitable access to socio-educational and social-health services as evidenced by the recent documents of the European Commission and a comparison with more advanced welfare systems.

Full programme

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Text for all students, attending or not
Zonca, P., S. Colombini (2019) Come progettare al nido. Costruire percorsi di crescita per bambini 0-3. Mondadori, Milano
Pietro Piumetti (2014). Vivere è un’arte. Manuale di psicologia dell’invecchiamento. Effatà, Torino (only a fex chapters, wich will be indicated at the beggining of the lessons)
Lazzari, A., (2016). Un quadro Europeo per la qualità dei servizi educativi e di cura per l’infanzia: proposta di principi chiave. Ed. Zeroseiup s.r.l.
Other documents will be recommended during the course and placed on EllyLass platform.

Only reading: Negri,S., Zecca,L., (2011), Il progetto pedagogico organizzativo nei servizi e nelle scuole dell'infanzia, Ed Junior-Spaggiari, Parma. (parte I)

Teaching methods

The lessons will be conducted with the help of slides, video projections and documentary materials from everyday practice. In relation to specific topics experts of the different areas and working in different realities of the country will be involved; they will bring their stories/experiences related to the investigated topics.

Assessment methods and criteria

Written exam, 20 multiple choice questions and 2 open questions. Dedicated time 1.5 hours.
The score includes 0.5 points for each correct multiple choice answer and 10 points for each open question.
The correctness of the open answer is based on the knowledge of the specific theme (4 points), the appropriateness of the language (3 points) and the ability to connect between the arguments (3 points).The ability to spawn and connect to other teaching will be evaluated for Praise.

Other information

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2030 agenda goals for sustainable development

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