cod. 1000486

Academic year 2021/22
1° year of course - Second semester
Academic discipline
Farmacologia (BIO/14)
Discipline della nutrizione umana
Type of training activity
48 hours
of face-to-face activities
6 credits
hub: -
course unit

Integrated course unit module: PHARMACOLOGY AND TOXICOLOGY

Learning objectives

Provide knowledge about the nature of toxic effects of xenobiotics. Provide the general principles of risk assessment

Knowledge and understanding applied skills
1) To apply the knowledge of the mechanisms of action of xenobiotic to define their toxicological activity and relayed risk

Judgment autonomy
1) To evaluate the validity of results deriving from the risk assessment proces in independent manner

Communicative Skills
1) Possess the ability to synthesize information and effectively communicate it to specialists and non-specialists.

Learning Skills
1) Develop skills and methodology that will allow you to study in a highly indipendent way.
2) Updating the knowledge through the consultation of scientific databases



Course unit content

toxic action of xenobiotics and the main regulatory aspects; epidemiology. Food and food supplement contaminants

Full programme

General Section
· General principles of toxicology.
· Mechanisms of toxicity. Toxicity test
· Biotransformation of xenobiotics.
· Carcinogenesis, teratogenesis, mutagenesis.
· Experimental toxicology, epidemiology and toxicological risk assessment.

Special section:
· food and nutrition Toxicology, Food Additives and Contaminants. Major food supplement contaminants. Regulatory agencies.


teacher's slides

-ERNEST HODGSON: “Tossicologia Moderna”, EdiSES

-CASARETT & DOULL’S: "Tossicologia: fondamenti dell’azione delle sostanze tossiche", Ed. EMSI, Roma.

-W.A. HAYES: "Principles and Methods of Toxicology", III Edition, Raven Press.

Tossicologia generale e applicata ai farmaci. Balduini-Costa. Ed EDRA

Teaching methods

The lessons will be mainly frontal/online, but organized in order to involve students. The registrations and slides used to support lessons, as an integral part of the teaching material, will be provided directly to the students and uploaded on the Elly platform.
In the event of a protracted health emergency, mixed or fully online teaching will be adopted, with remote lessons organized via Teams.

Practical lessons will be carried out in January. The students will be divided into groups and they will attend the lab according to a schedule communicated in autumn. Short videolessons explaining the experimental techniques, to be consulted before attending the lab, will be upload on Elly platform.

Assessment methods and criteria

Written exam with short and long open answer questions

Rating scale: 0-30
Weights and evaluation criteria:
• Acquired knowledge (up to 20/30);
• Ability to use the specific language of the discipline (up to 10/30).

If the health emergency persists, the written exam will be delivered remotely using the Teams platform.

Other information