cod. 1008252

Academic year 2020/21
1° year of course - Second semester
Damiano FELINI
Academic discipline
Pedagogia generale e sociale (M-PED/01)
Scienze umane e psicopedagogiche
Type of training activity
10 hours
of face-to-face activities
1 credits
hub: -
course unit

Integrated course unit module: HUMAN SCIENCES

Learning objectives

The course aims to achieve the following goals, in line with the "Dublin descriptors":
1. to know some basic concepts of the contemporary theory of education, with special reference to authors and trends which are topics of the course;
2. to apply the acquired knowledge to the analysis of websites targeted to mothers;
3. to express one’s own reflections about educational issues with correct use of language and critical thinking, based on theory of education;
4. to acquire proper language, not necessary technical but able to take into account the pedagogical terminology.



Course unit content

The course offers a selection of pedagogical issues that can be helpful to midwives’ work. In particular: the concept of education and the educational design.

Full programme

The course is composed by three sections:
1. an introduction on the concept of education in the context of pedagogy, in relation to both adulthood and childhood and with particular reference to the metaphor of maieutic;
2. an in-depth study on the principles, methods, and procedures of educational design, also applied to the context of counseling centers;
3. the study and analysis of some websites targeted to mothers.


Mandatory readings are the followings:
- D. Felini, Teoria dell’educazione. Un’introduzione, Carocci, Roma, 2020, only chapts. 1, 2, 7 & 8.
- Materiali online disponibili su Elly.

Teaching methods

To be defined.

Assessment methods and criteria

The students' learning will be assessed through a paper to be delivered within a specific term and an oral exam.
In both cases, the teacher will assess:
a) the student's knowledge about the main theories and topics of the course;
b) the student's competence about reflecting on specific themes in a critical way;
c) the student's competence about analyzing issues across different contexts and perspectives.
The threshold of the pass mark is defined by the compliance to both these parameters:
- full reading of the proposed texts;
- implementation of a research / individual reflection on the text with the elaboration of individual proposals and criticism.

Other information