cod. 1007881

Academic year 2020/21
4° year of course - First semester
Academic discipline
Scienza delle finanze (SECS-P/03)
A scelta dello studente
Type of training activity
Student's choice
36 hours
of face-to-face activities
6 credits
hub: PARMA
course unit

Learning objectives

Knowledge of the economic aspects of public and private projects evaluations is becoming a part of the professional education of the law and political science student.
This six-month course, specifically aimed at these students, offers the theoretical and practical knowledge and tools necessary to understand the evaluation of the public and private projects, its administration and the problems connected with public intervention. Particular attention is dedicated to efficiency, and equity in the economic analysis.
The course offers practical and technical tools and provides all the useful elements of economics for a full understanding of all the topics.


In order to take the exam, Law students, should pass the exams of Private Law, Roman Law, Constitutional Law and English language B1

Course unit content


Full programme

It will be made available during the course


M.Adler M. Fleurbaey (Eds) The Oxford Handbook of Well-Being and Public 2016 OUP
P. Vagliasindi INTERVENTO PUBBLICO EFFICIENZA ED EQUITÀ. Giappichelli Editore, 2004.
Students should integrate cost-benefit topics consulting, as suggested:
Campbell, Harry F Brown, Richard P. ,2003‚ Benefit-Cost Analysis: Financial and Economic Appraisal using Spreadsheets Cambridge University Press
Boardman, Anthony, 2014, Cost-benefit analysis: concepts and practice Pearson Education Limited
Drèze, J. & N. Stern (1987), ‘Theory of Cost-Benefit Analysis’ in Alan J. Auerbach and Martin S. Feldstein (eds.), Handbook of Public Economics, Vol. 2 (Amsterdam: North-Holland), 909-89.
Dasgupta, Partha, Stephen Marglin and Amartya Sen (1972), Guidelines for Project Evaluation (New York: UNIDO).
Little Ian M.D. and James A. Mirrlees (1974), Project Appraisal and Planning for Developing Countries (New York: Basic Books).
Information on other texts will be given during the lectures. Notes, lecture notes and other informative material on the exam will be made available during the course from the web page.

Teaching methods

Teaching activities will alternate frontal oral lessons, with active learning methods. During the lessons, focused on deepening specific issues, we privilege active participation and dialogue with the entire class. At the same time each lesson will be accompanied by correlated guided practical activities (carried out also in groups).
The study of a scolar contribution and the development of a written essay, among the ones chosen by the teacher are an integral part of the student activity. Part of these work will be analysed in class during practice hours. Students are also asked to take a look, on the internet, of what suggested by the teacher, to integrate some parts of the program.

Assessment methods and criteria

Written and oral exam
The knowledge and understanding will be assessed with questions which require a short answer specifically aimed at verifying the knowledge of the concepts and principles discussed in the course.
The communication skills, the ability to apply the acquired knowledge through appropriate arguments and reflections and the autonomy of judgment will be assessed with open questions with graph, expositions and essays which require a logical and coherent articulation and integration of different notions acquired during the course.
Learning skills will be assessed on the basis of a comprehensive assessment to the different questions. The oral test may fill any gaps which eventually emerge in the written test.
Moreover, optional written and oral discussion of additional material may take place to gain a deeper evaluation.

Other information

The lectures cover the entire course content and are supplemented by practical exercises. Individual help is also provided in Office Hours.

2030 agenda goals for sustainable development

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