cod. 1008532

Academic year 2020/21
1° year of course - First semester
Academic discipline
Storia della filosofia (M-FIL/06)
Discipline filosofiche
Type of training activity
30 hours
of face-to-face activities
6 credits
hub: PARMA
course unit

Learning objectives

By the end of course the student will have:

- achieved a basic knowledge of some philosophical theories of emotion (Brentano, Scheler). Specifically, he /she will understand the key-role played by affective experience within the history of contemporary philosophy;

- mastered the basic philosophical lexicon to understand philosophical texts addressed to affective experience. Theoretical and historical-philosophical attention will be payed to the following terms: perception, sensation, presentation, feeling, emotion, affective state. He/she will improve his/her ability to orientate him/herself within the history of ideas in order to clearly grasp which philosophical terms are compatible with the contemporary debate;

- developed the capacity to take a stance on the philosophical issues discussed focusing on the cognitive function of emotion;

- developed the capacity to argue for a determined position considering its historical-philosophical context. She/he will be able to autonomously read the works discussed in class.



Course unit content

Introduction to the Philosophy of Emotion

Within the history of contemporary philosophy, emotion and, more broadly, affective experiences are been subject of extensive research aimed at shedding light on their cognitive function but also on their evaluative-practical nature. From the historical-philosophical point of view such an interest for affective experiences has its roots in the psychological-phenomenological debate of early Twenty century. The course’s aim is to provide a basic introduction to the “philosophy of emotion” through an overview and discussion of the theories outlined by Franz Brentano and Max Scheler. Such theories allow the better understand in which way emotion play a key-role in the contemporary debate.

Full programme

Introduction to the Philosophy of Emotion

F. Brentano, La Psicologia dal punto di vista empirico. Vol. II: La classificazione dei fenomeni psichici, Laterza, Roma-Bari 1997.

M. Scheler, Amore e conoscenza, Morcelliana, Brescia 2009.

A. Damasio, Emozione e coscienza, Adelphi, Milano 1999, pp. 51-104.

Further suggested readings (optional):

L. Albertazzi, Introduzione a Brentano, Laterza, Roma 1999.

V. Costa, I modi del sentire. Un percorso nella tradizione fenomenologica, Quodlibet, Macerata 2009.

G. Cusinato, Biosemiotica e psicopatologia dell’ordo amoris. In dialogo con Max Scheler, FrancoAngeli, Milano 2018.

L.S. Vygotskij, Teoria delle emozioni. Studio storico psicologico, Mimesis, Milano-Udine 2019.

P. Goldie (ed.), The Oxford Handbook of Philosophy of Emotion, Oxford University Press, Oxford 2009.


F. Brentano, La Psicologia dal punto di vista empirico. Vol. II: La classificazione dei fenomeni psichici, Laterza, Roma-Bari 1997.

M. Scheler, Amore e conoscenza, Morcelliana, Brescia 2009.

A. Damasio, Emozione e coscienza, Adelphi, Milano 1999, pp. 51-104.

Teaching methods

Lectures. Reading, analysis and discussion of the authors' works, written training.

Lessons will be in presence and/or in streaming.

Assessment methods and criteria

Oral examination. The oral examination is aimed to verify: I) command of the topics and of the texts presented in class; II) the ability to contextualize issues within the historical-philosophical reference-horizon

Assessment criteria and assessment thresholds:
30 cum laude: Excellent, excellent solidity of knowledge, excellent expressive properties, excellent understanding of the concepts
30: Very good. Complete and adequate knowledge, well-articulated and correctly expressed
27-29: Good, satisfactory knowledge, essentially correct expression.
24-26: Fairly good knowledge, but not complete and not always correct.
22-23: Generally sufficient knowledge but superficial. Expression is often not appropriate and confused.
18-21: Sufficient. The expression and articulation of the speech show important gaps.
<18: insufficient knowledge or very incomplete, lack of guidance in discipline, expression seriously deficient. Exam failed.

Other information

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