Learning objectives
By the end of the course the students reach level B1 of the Common European Framework of Reference, having developed their skills related to grammar, lexicon, functions, reading and listening comprehension. Based on the CEFR, at level B1 the user can understand the main points of clear standard written and spoken input on familiar matters regularly encountered in work, school, leisure etc., and can deal with most situations likely to arise while travelling in an area where the language is spoken.
The course is aimed at students who already have elementary knowledge of English (level A2) and who can deal with simple communication contexts on familiar topics.
Course unit content
English language B1 level CEFR
Full programme
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Recommended for Grammar and Vocabulary:
R. Murphy con L. Pallini, Essential Grammar in Use, Cambridge University Press
M. Vince, G. Cerulli, New Inside Grammar, MacMillan.
Teaching methods
The course can be accessed with the University account (name.surname@studenti.unipr.it) on elly.cla.unipr.it (LAUREE TRIENNALI e CICLO UNICO - Preparazione alle idoneità ► INGLESE B1 ► IDONEITA' B1 ► PREPARAZIONE ALLA PROVA DI IDONEITA' DI INGLESE B1).
It consists in online modules focusing on the topics related to the exam syllabus. The course includes video lessons and exercises with automatic correction.
Methodology: presentation of structures, deduction of rule, contrastive use of the language.
Assessment methods and criteria
Computer-based multiple-choice test on grammar, lexicon, and receptive skills (reading and listening) at B1 level. The pass mark is 60%, obtained by adding the number of correct answers. Dictionaries, grammar reference books, electronic devices etc. are not allowed.
Other information
For valid certificates and their recognition in place of the in-house test, please visit the website www.cla.unipr.it
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