Course unit partition: Cognomi A-L

Academic year 2020/21
1° year of course - Annual
Federica DE IULIIS
Academic discipline
Diritto romano e diritti dell'antichità (IUS/18)
Ambito aggregato per crediti di sede
Type of training activity
84 hours
of face-to-face activities
12 credits
hub: PARMA
course unit

Course unit partition: PRINCIPLES OF ROMAN LAW

Learning objectives

The course aims to offer the student the fundamental notions of private law that has developed throughout
the history of Rome and from which Western legal experience have arisen. The exposition of Roman law
according to its own lines of historical development will contribute to forming awareness of the connection
between law and history. At the end of the course the student is expected to: know the definitions and the
discipline of the main subject matters of private Roman law; has the ability to apply the knowledge acquired
in setting and solving concrete cases also making connections with then current legal experience; has an
adequate legal lexicon.


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Course unit content

The course is divided into the following principal areas:
1. The sources of law along the development of the legal history of Rome (8th century BC - 6th century AD).
2. Persons: legal subjectivity and status libertatis, status civitatis, status familiae.
3. The family: patriarchal structure of the Roman family, role and powers of the pater familias, marriage.
4. The Roman civil trial: legis actiones, formulary procedure and extra-ordinary cognitio; special attention will
be paid to the role of the Praetor and the contribution of jurists in the formation of substantive law in relation
to judicial protection.
5. Legal acts: elements, invalidity, ineffectiveness.
6. Real rights: property and other forms of belonging of the goods, ways of purchasing the property, real
rights, possession.
7. Obligations: concept of obligatio, sources of obligations, liability of the debtor, obligations, discharge of
obligations, delicta.
8. Succession: general notions, testament, legacies.
9. Donations: profiles and evolution.

Full programme

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A. LOVATO, S. PULIATTI, L. SOLIDORO, Diritto privato romano, seconda edizione, G. Giappichelli Editore, Torino 2017
Capitolo I: everything
Capitolo II: paragraphs 1-2b; 3-4a
Capitolo III: paragraphs1-5
Cap. IV: paragraphs 1-4
Capitolo V: paragraphs 1-3; 5
Capitolo VI: paragraphs 1 (excluding 1c); 2 (excluding 2b e 2g); 3; 4-4a; 5; 6-6c; 7-7c; 8-9; 9c; 9e
Capitolo VII: paragraphs 1-5a1; 5c; 5d; 6c; 7-7f (excleuding 7b2); 8-8g
Capitolo VIII: paragraphs 1-4; 6; 15; 23a
Capitolo IX: paragraphs 1-2

Teaching methods

The lessons will be carried out in two ways: traditional lectures and readings aimed at illustrating the contents
of the program, starting from the basic legal notions and essential references to the history of ancient Rome;
in-depth analyzes with a seminar approach to encourage discussion with students on concrete cases drawn
from Roman legal experience. Video recordings regarding some parts of the program will also be made
available on the Elly platform.The lessons will be held in person, but with the possibility of following them remotely, live, with Teams. The registration will also be uploaded to the Elly page of the course.

Assessment methods and criteria

The achievement of the educational targets will be verified through an oral test to be held after the
conclusion of the course which will consist of at least 3 questions on different topics on the parts of the text
indicated in the Bibliography section (each answer will be assigned a score from 0 to 10, with increasing merit
value). For the purposes of the evaluation, importance will be given to the correct and effective presentation
of the contents in appropriate technical terms and to the quality of the legal reasoning. The final positive
mark, deriving from the sum of the results achieved in the answers, will be expressed on a scale of evaluation
out of thirty (from 18 to 30).During the first semester, depending on the evolution of the health emergency, the exam can take place either in mixed mode (i.e. in presence, but with the possibility of taking it remotely upon request), or only remotely, online, for everyone.
Of the chosen modality, between the two indicated, information will be promptly given on the esse3 system.

Other information

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2030 agenda goals for sustainable development

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