Learning objectives
- understand and be able to apply the procedures for risk reduction in the care setting
- understand and be able to apply the main guidelines of obstetric triage
-evaluate, follow and assist a low-risk obstetric labor / delivery in compliance with WHO guidelines. Communicate correctly even in situations of discomfort or language barrier. Evaluate obstetric risk at the onset of labor in collaboration with the doctor
Course unit content
The course consists of distinct modules:
MODULE 1 obstetric risk.
obstetric risk and its prevention: organizational policies for risk reduction in health care; the response of the welfare organization; external factors hindering procedures and internal factors. Study of the company operating files that regulate the main situations of potential risk for the patient
hospitalized. Healthcare personnel and the new Risk Management strategies
Regulatory context of reference in terms of risk, the contribution of the law (Gelli) to risk reduction, safe keeping of drugs in the ward, methods of storage, controls and supervision of the correct
use of drugs. Transfusion safety, incident reporting.
MODULE 2 obstetric and gynecological triage
MODULE 3 childbirth assistance at low obstetric risk (BRO)
Full programme
Sicurezza dei pazienti e gestione del rischio clinico: manuale per la formazione degli operatori sanitari. Ministero della Salute
Materiale AOUPR, schede operative aziendali
Materiale fornito dai docenti
Fisiologia della nascita Spandrio, Regalia, Bestetti Carocci Faber Ed
Teaching methods
The course will be carried out through face-to-face lectures (classroom) and work in
small groups. In case of need it could also be played in
tele presence (in synchronous streaming) through support of the
Teams platform. The material will be available on the Elly platform
Assessment methods and criteria
The evaluation takes place through an oral exam with a score expressed in
thirtieths. In case of problems, the platform can be used
Other information
2030 agenda goals for sustainable development
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