cod. 1008261

Academic year 2020/21
2° year of course - Second semester
Enrica Paola Giuseppina BERTOLA
Academic discipline
Scienze infermieristiche ostetrico-ginecologiche (MED/47)
Scienze ostetriche
Type of training activity
10 hours
of face-to-face activities
1 credits
hub: -
course unit

Integrated course unit module: GYNECOLOGY

Learning objectives

The course aims to realize an educational path with the purpose of providing a cultural detailed study about anatomic-functional problems, physiopathology, clinic and therapy of the pelvic floor and secondly offering and updated and complete new analysis of techniques and diagnostic procedures and of the wide range of the available therapeutic possibilities.
Support the knowledge of the “complexity” of the pelvic floor connected to the promotion of woman’s health.
Develop knowledges concerning the theme of perineal insufficiency in its multiple manifestations and the factors that facilitate its outbreak.
Experiment a corporeal approach as a resource capable of developing self consciousness.
Promote reflections on the peculiarity of the personalized therapeutic approach.
At the end of the course students are expected to learn capability and management autonomy of the patient with pelvic floor pathologies. In particular, the student should be able to:
Identify the correct instruments for a global approach to the woman afflicted with perineal insufficiency.
Develop preventive strategies for damage of the pelvic-perineal structures.
Possess manual skills, techniques and practices concerning perineal pathologies.
Be familiar with the instruments for diagnosis and treatment as an essential qualification to personalise the therapeutic/rehabilitative


Knowledge of the anatomy and physiology of the female urogenital apparatus

Course unit content

Knowledge and detailed study of the pelvic floor in relation to gynecology and obstetrics.
Study of diseases connected to it, with a in-depth analysis of the anatomic-functional changes and transformations of the pelvic organs across the woman’s different life stages.
Application of the primary methods of prevention of perineal dysfunctions during pregnancy and post partum.
Principles of therapy.

Full programme

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Costantini W., Calistri D., “Ostetrica” Vol. I-II-III Ed. Piccin, Padova 2013
Slides and other teacher-provided material

Teaching methods

Frontal lessons. Lessons will have an interactive approach with the use of audio-visual media, classroom discussions with students, and group and individual elaborations will be encouraged.

Assessment methods and criteria

The level of knowledge will be assessed on the basis of the contribution of the individual students during the lessons. The assessment of the achievement of the objectives set out in the module provides for a written test and/or an oral exam on the subjects addressed in the different modules of the Integrated Course.

Other information

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