cod. 1008254

Academic year 2020/21
2° year of course - First semester
Tullio GHI
Academic discipline
Ginecologia e ostetricia (MED/40)
Interdisciplinari e cliniche
Type of training activity
10 hours
of face-to-face activities
1 credits
hub: -
course unit

Integrated course unit module: Childbirth care, puerperium and neonatology

Learning objectives

This course is aimed at providing the student with the basic knowledge and comprehension of the covered topics and allowing a practical application of the acquired knowledge in the working practice


Course unit content

Fetal and maternal surveillance in labor in high and low risk pregnancy. Standard and computerized CTG. ECG STAN: indication and interpretation

Full programme


Pescetto - De Cecco - Pecorari - Ragni.
Ginecologia e ostetricia. Seu Edit. 2009. CTG intrapartum concetti chiave per una nuova intepretazione: Ghi-Fieni-Chadraharan- Frusca 2018
Opera in due volumi. Slides and material provided by the teacher

Teaching methods

According to the regulation of the Italian Government and the University of Parma about the COVID-19 pandemics, the present course is realized with frontal lessons via mixed in-presence and at-distance modality. In particular, the teacher takes lessons in the classroom with the help of PC (Powerpoint slides); simultaneous connection of the PC to the Teams platform in streaming modality ensures connection with students not present in the classroom. Each lesson is registered and loaded in the Elly portal of the course, together with the slides. The teacher is available for further explanations in office or by distance via Teams after e-mail appointment, or via chat on Elly platform.

Assessment methods and criteria

The student’s knowledge, topics’ comprehension and her/his skill to apply them on the occupational contexts will be evaluated by questions on the topics related to the course content. Failed answer to one or more questions or proved insufficiency of the basic knowledge on the subject will preclude the successful completion of the exam. In case of completion of the exam, an evaluation that contributes to the final grade of the course will be defined and it will be based on the achievement of the objectives. In case the COVID-related sanitary emergence continues, the examination will proceed on the Teams platform (see the guidelines at the address: http://selma.unipr.it/).

Other information

2030 agenda goals for sustainable development

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Toll-free number

800 904 084

Student registry office

E. segreteria.medicina@unipr.it
T. +39 0521 033700

Quality assurance office

Education manager:
Sandra Cavalca

T. +39 0521 034908
E.  didattica.dimec@unipr.it
E.  sandra.cavalca@unipr.it 

President of the degree course

Prof. Tullio GHI
E. tullio.ghi@unipr.it 

Faculty advisor

Dott.ssa Serena Neri
E. serena.neri@unipr.it

Career guidance delegate  

Dott.ssa Serena Neri
E. serena.neri@unipr.it

Director of Professionalising Teaching Activities (DADP)

Dott.ssa Serena Neri
E. serena.neri@unipr.it

Erasmus delegates

Prof.ssa Thelma Pertinhez
E. thelma.pertinhez@unipr

Quality assurance manager

Prof.ssa Paola Affanni
E. paola.affanni@unipr.it


Dott.ssa Francesca Frati
E. francesca.frati@unipr.it 

Dott.ssa Martina Dardari
E. martina.dardari@unipr.it