Learning objectives
- Expert approach to specific problems od teaching literature.
.- Improve use of informatic tools to teaching
Students must have a good knowledge of most important ages of italian literature. They have also to know (following a direct and integral reading) most important works of italian literature
Course unit content
The cours is about some important topics related to learning literature knowledge in secondary school.
the course is divided into two basic areas of work:
a) How to approach to the literary text and how to use it as a form of access to the imaginary.
b) A historical approach to literary knowledge
Full programme
These are the points that will be drawn during the lessons and in the seminar activities connected to them.
The work areas are indicated below, implying that each of them corresponds, together with a reflection on the objectives of the teaching activity, a concrete work on the tools (working materials; verification tools):
- The role of planning and that of verification.
- Literature and language: literature as a tool for linguistic awareness (lexical; logic; hermeneutics)
- The nexus knowledge and competence.
- The narrative imagination: literature as a means of accessing a conscious relationship with the narrative imagination (visual and audiovisual)
- Literature and ethical dimension: literature as a tool for psychological, communicative and introspective awareness.
- Literature as awareness of historical depth, comparison with the other in time and space
- Italian literature, the problem of canon and tradition. The tools for a conscious and educational approach.
Simone Giusti, Per una didattica della letteratura, Lecce, Pensamultimedia, 2014
R. Luperini, Insegnare la letteratura oggi, Lecce, Manni, 2013
Students who don’t attend classes can use teaching materials available on Elly platform
A lot of teaching material will be made available during lessons.
Teaching methods
Frontal lessons (40%), but also seminars and workshops. Comparison of school books; preparation of original tests; didactic rating; informatic tools ecc.
Assessment methods and criteria
1) in itinere. During the lessons, students will produce works on a specific mandate (assessment test; planning of teaching units etc.), in which the indications proposed in the lectures and in the seminar moments will be applied. This work will form an integral part of the final evaluation
2) Final verification:
- written design of a concrete didactic proposal (with indication of the texts used, of the objectives; of the didactic tools used; of the working methods)
- oral interview on the main topics covered in class, but always starting from the proposals contained in the written project.
Non-attending students must make an appointment with the teacher, at least 20 days before the exam, to agree on specific work activities that will be verified in the exam.
Other information
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