cod. 1007464

Academic year 2021/22
3° year of course - Second semester
Academic discipline
Metodologie della ricerca archeologica (L-ANT/10)
"storia, archeologia e storia dell'arte"
Type of training activity
30 hours
of face-to-face activities
6 credits
hub: PARMA
course unit

Learning objectives

Educational objectives The course deepens the knowledge of the methods of Documentation, Cataloging and Digitization of archaeological data. The first objective is to provide the student, through a series of lectures, with the tools to understand, in a clear way, the most recent and appropriate systems of acquisition and processing of the data flow made available following an archaeological excavation. Upon completion of the course, the student will be able to

integrate their previous experiences with a more complex and articulated preparation concerning that sector of the archaeological research method, which focuses on data management. The student will also be able to express himself, in a concise and unambiguous way, with specialist and non-specialist interlocutors. The final objective is to develop in the student critical and learning skills such as to allow him to study and disengage autonomously in issues concerning the discipline.


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Course unit content

Introduction to Documentation, Cataloging and Digitization of Archaeological data. Documentation and survey. The archaeological survey: manual survey and with electronic tools. The excavation documentation: from the excavation journal to the files of the Stratigraphic Unit and the Muraria Stratigraphic Unit. The method of recovery of the archaeological artefact. Storage of the material in warehouses and the various cataloging systems. Digitization of Archaeological data. GIS, WEB-GIS and databases. Comparison between national and international databases. Information dissemination systems and choices. The study of artefacts and mobile finds: typology and classification.
In addition to lectures, the course includes a practical activity, to be held at the didactic archaeological excavations of the University of Parma.

Full programme

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For the exam, in addition to the lecture notes, the
following volume:
1. Gabucci Ada, L'archeologia come mestiere. Dallo scavo al magazzino: i materiali, Trieste, 2013.
Non-attending students must also prepare the following text in addition to the volume indicated above:
Manacorda D., Lezioni di archeologia, Bari: Laterza 2010 (seconda ed.).

Teaching methods

If it is not possible to carry out the lessons in person, the activities will take place in telepresence through the use of the Teams and Elly platforms. In particular, lessons will be held in both synchronous (via Teams) and asynchronous mode (uploaded on the Elly page of the course). During the lessons in synchronous mode (direct), mainly frontal moments will alternate with interactive moments with the students. To promote active participation in the course, various individual and small group activities will be proposed, through the use of the resources available in Elly, such as discussion forums and logbooks. The course includes a total of 30 hours for 6 CFUs.
Lectures will be held with the help of a large series of projected images. Students will be encouraged to intervene and express their point of view at the end of each lesson on the issues and topics examined.
At each lesson, full and detailed power points on each topic will be projected. During the lessons, photocopies may be distributed, as an aid for the preparation of the exam. At the end of the course, students will be given all the thematic power points projected in class, to facilitate the preparation of the exam.
The teaching on the field is accompanied by the one on the field, guaranteed by the participation of the students in the archaeological didactic excavations and in the Unipr research projects.

Assessment methods and criteria

The final exam aims to verify the achievement of the didactic and training objectives indicated in the Syllabus. If due to the persistence of the health emergency it is necessary to integrate with the remote modality, the carrying out of the exams will proceed with oral questions, using the Teams platform.
The students will have to show that they have learned the general part of the manual, the methods and the contents developed and deepened during the lessons. The exam grade is defined by an oral exam based on the knowledge and understanding of the main topics related to the course.
An assessment of insufficiency is determined by the
lack of one
knowledge of the minimum contents of the course; from the inability to express themselves
adequately with reference to the subject, as well as the lack of
Preparation. A sufficient evaluation (from 18 to 24) is determined by
a level of acceptable preparation by the student; a
score from 24 to 27 comes
assigned to the student who proves to possess a discrete level or
good preparation and presentation of the topics; the most scores
high (from 28 to 30 and praise) come
assigned according to the demonstration of a high level, knowledge, understanding and exposure of the main ones
topics related to the course.

Other information

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