cod. 05678

Academic year 2021/22
3° year of course - First semester
Academic discipline
Lingua e letteratura latina (L-FIL-LET/04)
Attività formative affini o integrative
Type of training activity
30 hours
of face-to-face activities
6 credits
hub: PARMA
course unit

Learning objectives

Learning outcomes:

Knowledge and understanding: this course aims to provide students with a specific specialisation in the field of history of Latin language.
Applying knowledge and understanding: Students should be able to read and translate some passages,different from those analysed in class, and to apply to thema scientific methodology. Also,pupils will have to make an independent research on a topic chosen with the professor.
Making judgements: Students should be able to discuss linguistic problematics, possibly within an interdisciplinary context.
Communication skills: Pupils are requested to show the results of their independent research, using a tecnical language.

Learing skills: Latin literature helps to develop those learning skills necessary both for an increasing specialization and for the job market (particularly, teaching).


Prerequisites: 12 CFU in the “SSD” “Language and Latin Literature”. Those who already have 18 CFU in the same “SSD” are required to pass a preliminary written test.

Course unit content

The analysis of some verses of Metamorphoses X will give the chance to get into a deeper study of the Latin characters by Ovidius.

Full programme

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Stolz-Debrunner-Schmidt, Storia della lingua latina, Bologna 1993; or Palmer, Storia della lingua latina, Torino 2002; or A. Ghiselli, Commento alla sintassi latina, Bologna 2012

-Lecture, traduction and commentary of Tacitus, Germania or Apuleius, Metamorphoses or other

Teaching methods

Teaching methods: Lessons will always start with a reading from Pascoli's Agape. Students will be asked to translate and comment upon some passages. Difficult passages will be explained and commented upon from different perspectives (morphological, syntactical, and stylistic). Students are invited to participate in class: after a general and propedeutic introduction, they are supposed to comment on the text. The module will be taught by lectures, seminars, and tutorials. Students will have to present a brief independent reseach.

Assessment methods and criteria

Examination: The exam is oral and will touch upon each part of the programme. Students will be judged on:
- Comprehension of the general development of Latin language;
- Careful reading, translation and comment of the assigned texts;
- How pertinent answers given are;
- Ability of making an independent research;
- Clarity and precision of language.
- Analysis and interpretation of the text, reelaboration of contents, and interdisciplinary references.
Students will pass the exam only if they meet the first four criteria and answer correctly to at least 60% of the answers, in accordance with the other criteria.

Other information

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2030 agenda goals for sustainable development

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