Learning objectives
At the end of the course, the student will know the evolution of the concept of monument, the theories about restoration and the principles that have influenced the activity of preserving monuments, with special regard to the last two centuries of the discipline history.
In particular, the student will be able to:
- analyse, recognise and put in a historic view previous works on the built heritage;
- define the historical-methodological problems related to addresses and/or trends characterising one or more phases of the history of restoration.
Course unit content
The History of Modern Architecture and Restoration course (I.C. 10 CFU) consists of two integrated and coordinated modules: History of Modern Architecture (6 CFU) and Theory and History of Restoration (4 CFU).
The Theory and History of Restoration module focuses on the interventions on the built heritage. Restoration, intended as an activity aimed at counteracting the phenomena of natural and anthropic degradation, which inevitably lead to the loss of a certain cultural asset – in this case, an architectural asset –, has an ancient history; nevertheless, we talk of a modern way to restore monuments since a couple of centuries. As a matter of fact, cultural, social and economic events have introduced us to what is the actual meaning of the term, resulting in the emergence of a discipline with its own characteristics.
Through case studies and protagonists who have made a significant contribution to the development of the methodologies aimed at protecting the historical-architectural heritage, the module connects theoretical inputs to operational practices. It is a didactic path from the birth of the discipline to the current orientations of method to provide the student with an essential cultural background to identify and critically evaluate the interventions on the built heritage.
Full programme
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Main reference texts:
CASIELLO S. (a cura di), La cultura del restauro. Teorie e fondatori, Marsilio, Venezia 2005.
DI BIASE C. (a cura di), Il restauro e i monumenti. Materiali per la storia del restauro, Maggioli, Santarcangelo di Romagna 2007.
SETTE M.P., Profilo storico, in CARBONARA G. (a cura di), Trattato di restauro architettonico, vol. I, Utet, Torino 1996, pp. 109-299; riedito in SETTE M.P., Il restauro in architettura. Quadro storico, Utet, Torino 2001.
TORSELLO B.P. (da un'idea di), Che cos’è il restauro? Nove studiosi a confronto, Marsilio, Venezia 2005.
Teaching methods
The lessons of the Theory and History of Restoration module are divided into two fundamental moments: the ex cathedra lessons and the reading of a part of a recommended (transdisciplinary) text with subsequent debate in classroom on the theoretical issues that emerged from the lecture.
Assessment methods and criteria
Being a module within an integrated course, the exam methods are the ones indicated for the course History of Modern Architecture and Restoration.
Other information
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