Course unit content
The course will deal with three topics:
1) the nature of soft skills;
2) statistical techniques for data processing and for profiling;
3) the observation tools to increase the reliability of data about the mastery oh soft skills.
1. Pellerey M., Margottini M., Ottone E. (a cura di), Dirigere se stessi nello studio e nel lavoro. Strumenti e applicazioni, Roma TrePress, Roma 2020.
2. Giacomantonio A., Hypoteses non fingo. I profili degli allievi: potenzialità e insidie, in «Formazione & Lavoro», n. 1, 2013, pp. 72-83.
3. Cardarello R., Antonietti M., Osservare per progettare, in Nigris E., Balconi B., Zecca L. (a cura di), Dalla progettazione alla valutazione didattica. Progettare, documentare e monitorare, Pearson Italia, Milano-Torino, 2019, pp. 179-206.
4. Altri materiali che verranno pubblicati su
Teaching methods
Dialogic lessons
Project work
Assessment methods and criteria
The summative evaluation of the learning takes place with a written test about the content of the course; The time available is 60 minutes.
consisting of two open questions (of equivalent weight)
Each answer is evaluated on a scale of 0-30, according to the objectives of the course, using a predefined evaluation method made.
Other information
Program, teaching activities and evaluation procedures are the same for attending and non-attending students. The latter can keep up-to-date on teaching activities by consulting Elly's on-line teaching pages that will be updated during the course.