cod. 1007989

Academic year 2018/19
1° year of course - First semester
Alessandro DUCE
Academic discipline
Storia delle relazioni internazionali (SPS/06)
Discipline storico-politiche
Type of training activity
60 hours
of face-to-face activities
10 credits
hub: PARMA
course unit

Learning objectives

We plan to examine the history methodology through strict critical and
scientific criteria. As a matter of fact, it is a question of an “educational
treaty” between professors and students, dealing with contents issues
and methods of within a history inter-disciplinary educational training



Course unit content

Knowledge of the evolution of the discipline: diplomatic history, history of
treaties, History of international politics, history of international relations.
The research sources: records and memoirs. The critic of the sources:
integrity, genuineness, and truthfulness. The libraries of diplomatic
records, the treaties of the League of the Nations and of United Nations.
The foundations of Vienna system (1815) and of the Bismarck system.
The Wilson’s proposals, the agreements of Yalta, of San Francisco and of
Potsdam (1945). The key events during European and Asian postwar.
A specific analysis of the international relations between First World War
and the Sixties. The colonization and the decolonization.

Full programme

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1. “Storia della politica internazionale (1917-1957). Dalla rivoluzione
d’ottobre ai Trattati di Roma”. A. Duce (2009), Ed. Studium – Roma
2. "Storia della politica internazionale. Il tramonto degli imperi coloniali
(1945 - 2014), A. Duce (2013), Ed. Studium - Roma

Teaching methods

Frontal lectures, analysis of treaties, seminars with experts and laboratory.

Assessment methods and criteria

Oral exam
Knowledge and understanding will be certified through at least two
questions aimed at verifying the knowledge of historical events and their
Judgment making and knowledge application will be evaluated by
Altre informazioni Si consiglia l’utilizzo di un atlante storico-politico o geografico.
Modalità di verifica
Le conoscenze e la capacità di comprensioneverrannoaccertate con
domande per verificare la conoscenza dei più importanti avvenimenti
storici ed i loro collegamenti.
La capacità di comprendere le conoscenze ed essere in grado applicarle
con autonomie di giudizio. Lo studente verrà invitato a discutere un
evento critico delle relazioni internazionali.
La capacità di comunicaresaràaccertatasulla base della
capacitàdellostudente di esporre in modochiaro, coerente con le
domande e sinteticoutilizzandoterminologiaadeguata e dimostrando di
La capacità di apprendimentosaràaccertata con
unavalutazionecomplessivadellerispostefornitealledomande formulate
nelcorso della provad’esame.
requesting the student to examine at least one critical historical record of
International relations.
Communication skills will be certified by evaluating the capacity of the
student to use a proper terminology and explain the meaning of
expressions and/or concepts.
Learning skills will be certified through a cross-section evaluation of the
answers provided during the interview.

Other information

The use of an Atlas or historical and political maps is advised.

2030 agenda goals for sustainable development

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