Learning objectives
Knowledge and ability to understand. Through a progressive approach to theory and practice, the course helps the student to understand an architectural project as a part of an existing social and urban context.
Skills. The course provides basic knowledge and initiates the student's learning into the different phases of architectural design.
Autonomy of judgment. Concurrently to lectures and seminars, especially during individual practice, the student develops a judgmental ability to critically evaluate models and buildings. A fundamental theme is the close relationship between plan, elevation, and section in a residential design. The achievement of a first level of autonomy of judgment facilitates the understanding of design theories, which will be presented in the studios in the following years.
Communication skills. The course helps the student to develop communication skills in the presentation of architectural proposals and to refine the use of a specific technical language, with particular reference to spatial and constructive elements of buildings.
Learning ability. At the end of the course, through the transition from theory to practice, the student will have learned the basic knowledge about the transmissibility of architectural models and the understanding of building processes.
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Course unit content
The “Design Studio 1” course, according to the Degree Program in Architecture, deepens theoretical questions and spatial relationships that exist between built form and environment. It is divided into theoretical lessons and practical exercises. The course presents main design methods through the study of the typology of residential buildings within the traditions of modern Italian and international architecture. Practical exercises include two intermediate checks about construction forms and principles in relation to urban or natural settings. The lecture series investigates types of single-family residences from the Twentieth and Twenty-first centuries.
Full programme
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Ernesto N. Rogers, Esperienza dell’architettura, (Torino 1958), Milano, Skira 2002.
Aldo Rossi, L’architettura della città, (Padova 1966), Milano, Il Saggiatore 2018.
Antonio Monestiroli, L’architettura secondo Gardella, Santarcangelo di Romagna, Maggioli, 2010.
Lucio Serpagli, Abitare il paesaggio naturale. Progetti per l’ospitalità diffusa, Parma, Mup Editore, 2014.
Teaching methods
Proceeding from simple to complex, the didactic practice - through collective seminars and individual reviews - introduces to the various phases of design. The final individual elaboration consists of a graphic dossier and a scale model, where the typical tools of the discipline are confined in exemplary sites of the Emilia region.
Assessment methods and criteria
Through a progressive theoretical and practical approach the student: understands the architectural design as the relationship with the existing environment (1st level Dublin Descriptor); applies the competencies learned in design theory (2nd level Dublin Descriptor); acquires its own autonomy of critical Through a progressive theoretical and practical approach the student: understands the architectural design as the relationship with the existing environment (1st level Dublin Descriptor); applies the competencies learned in design theory (2nd level Dublin Descriptor); acquires its own autonomy of critical judgment regarding the transmissibility of architectural models (3rd level Dublin Descriptor); increases communication skills in architectural design (4th level Dublin Descriptor); finally, completes an individual intermediate exam that facilitates the preparation of the final exam (5th level Dublin Descriptor).
Other information
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2030 agenda goals for sustainable development
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