cod. 1007185

Academic year 2018/19
1° year of course - Second semester
Academic discipline
Didattica e pedagogia speciale (M-PED/03)
Discipline pedagogiche e metodologico-didattiche
Type of training activity
38 hours
of face-to-face activities
6 credits
hub: PARMA
course unit

Learning objectives

At the end of the course the student is expected to be able to:
Know the contents presented in the course literature;
Analyze cases of evaluation and innovation of educational services and identify the implicit inspirational models;
Apply the knowledge and skills developed to identify strengths, criticalities and development opportunities in specific cases;
Communicate and explain with technical and current language processes and project work results;
critically evaluate potentialities and limitations of the previous case- analyzes and of the solutions suggested.


No prerequisite is mandatory. It is recommended that the course is taken after
a period of practice And/or experiences in the educational field, stage or work-placement.

Course unit content

The course intends
To explore the main models proposed in the literature about evaluation and innovation strategies for educational services;
To critically assess their assumptions and effects by examining cases in progress;
To propose a multifactorial orientation as a reference paradigm for professional action.

Full programme



PANDOLFI L. (2012), Valutare servizi educativi, Lecce-Brescia, Pensa Multimedia
MARTINI A., TRIVELLATO U. (2011), Sono soldi ben spesi ?, Padova, Marsilio

One of the following books or readings:
CALIDONI P., GHIACCIO M.F. (2015), Viste da vicino. Dinamiche e criticità dell’ innovazione digitale nella didattica, Lecce-Brescia, Pensa Multimedia
SERRELI S., CALIDONI P. (2017), Città e formazione, Milano, Angeli
WEYLAND B., GALLETTI A., (2018), Lo spazio che educa, Bergamo-Parma, Junior- Spaggiari
AA.VV. (2017), Manuale dei servizi educativi per l’infanzia, Istituto degli Innocenti, Firenze
Percorso tematico in ANIMAZIONE SOCIALE (rivista mensile per operatori sociali ed educativi)
Parole chiave per lavorare con i giovani
Animare spazi di comunità
Tutelare oggi i diritti dei minori
Lavorare con adolescenti in difficoltà
Lavorare con storie di disabilità
Lavorare con gli anziani + ulteriori indicazioni
Lavorare con la grave marginalità
La relazione educativa tra generazioni
Conoscere la forza del gruppo
Esercitarsi al lavoro in gruppo

Teaching methods

The course will be carried out by privileging heuristic methods, useful also for the initial assessment of pre-knowledge and for the formative assessment during the learning process. Complementary tutorials and seminars on the contents presented in the course literature will also be carried out.
The skills of applying and communicating knowledge will be developed through case studies, simulation and role playing activities, also functional to the preparation of the report that will be discussed in the final exam.
All the notes and extra material presented during the lessons will be uploaded on the Elly platform. It is necessary to be registered to the online course in order to download them.

Assessment methods and criteria

The final assessment of learning is conducted with an oral test consisting of a critical discussion, on the basis of the course literature , of a project work report produced following the indications that will be provided during the course and published in the on-line section of the course in the Elly platform.
The test is evaluated on a scale of 0 to 30, according to the objectives of the course, using a predefined evaluation method made known in the course materials published online on the Elly platform; Praise is given when the answers have all the highest score and are formulated with a proper use of the disciplinary vocabulary.
The result is communicated at the end of the exam.

Other information

Program, teaching activities and evaluation procedures are the same for attending and non-attending students. The latter can keep up-to-date on teaching activities by consulting Elly's on-line teaching pages that will be updated during the course.

2030 agenda goals for sustainable development

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