cod. 1004264

Academic year 2018/19
1° year of course - First semester
Academic discipline
Storia medievale (M-STO/01)
Storia, filosofia, psicologia, pedagogia, antropologia e geografia
Type of training activity
30 hours
of face-to-face activities
6 credits
hub: PARMA
course unit

Learning objectives

Knowledge and understanding:
At the end of the course, the students will know the key facts and figures, as well as the most important political and ecclesiastical institutions, the most significant forms of social, economic and ecclesiastical organization of the medieval period, and to place each element in time and space (6/12 cfu).

Applying knowledge and understanding:
The students will develop the practice of considering the political, institutional, social and economic relations and the ideologies not as a natural given, but as the result of changes that have taken place in specific contexts (6/12 cfu), to apply the notion of context to the analysis of a text, and, more generally, to any social and political phenomenon and to any artistic and cultural form of expression; to identify and discuss different historiographic interpretations (12 cfu).

Making judgments:
The students will improve their ability to make autonomous judgments through the analysis of complex phenomena, which involve multiple sets of causes (6/12 cfu) and can be understood and explained by the historians through different and sometimes conflicting approaches and interpretations (12 cfu).

Communication skills:
The students will be able to report and discuss the notions learned during the classes and from the texts, with particular attention to the accurate use of language, concepts and categories, and will be able to make an appropriate use of the specific vocabulary of the historical disciplines, with particular reference to the terminology which defines the fundamental concepts of Medieval history (fief, vassal, territory, jurisdiction, heresy, knighthood, ecclesiastical benefice, etc). (6/12 cfu)

Learning skills:
The students will improve their autonomous learning ability getting used to place in a hierarchy the information gathered during the classes and studying the texts in the syllabus (6/12 cfu); learning to collect further information on the topics discussed using the available bibliography (both printed and digital texts); developing a critical attitude towards the sources and learning to distinguish between scientific texts, popular historical literature and unverifiable information (12 cfu).


Basic notions of Italian and European Geography learned at secondary school

Course unit content

Module A (6 cfu)

An Introduction to Medieval History

The first module aims to provide the students with the information and the basic tools for a critical understanding of the economic, social, cultural and religious life between the third and fifteenth centuries. Particular attention will be paid to the political and institutional forms of organization of the human communities which, during the Middle Ages, shaped the specific characteristics of the European area.
The course is structured according to the thematic pattern well established in the discipline, and roughly follows a chronological order. The main topics examined will be: the late Roman Empire and its sunset; the barbarian migrations and kingdoms; the Byzantine and Islamic Mediterranean; Carolingian Europe; post-Carolingian Europe and the rise of the local powers; the diffusion of Christianity; the reform of the Church and the Papal monarchy; European demographic and economic growth; the diffusion of feudal bonds and European expansion; Papacy, Empire and kingdoms; the cities and the communes; the crisis of the later Middle Ages; the decline of the “universal powers”; the European states; the Italian states.
Further material will be provided via a series of “blended” lessons on the concept of the Middle Ages, on the sources, and on some of the main themes and topics of medieval history. These lessons will be available on the e-learning website Elly.

Modulo B (6 cfu)

Italy in the Late Middle-Ages

The second module will focus on the Italian late medieval states, drawing on the most recent Italian and international scholarship on the subject. The main topics examined will be the kingdoms of Naples and of Sicily; the Papal states; the republics of Florence and of Siena; the states of the Gonzaga and of the Este; the republic of Venice; the state of Milan; the republic of Genoa; the rural communities; lordships and fiefs; factions and parties; orders and social distinction; offices and officials; political languages.

Full programme


An Introduction to Medieval History (6 cfu)

The students in Humanities (and Philosophical studies) are required to study thoroughly the reference book:

A. Zorzi, Manuale di storia medievale, UTET, Torino 2016

Furthermore, students are required to complete the blended course available on the e-learning website Elly. As an alternative option, students may choose to study one of the following books:

R. Bordone, G. Sergi, Dieci secoli di medioevo, Einaudi, Torino 2009

M. Ascheri, Medioevo del potere. Le istituzioni laiche ed ecclesiastiche, Il Mulino, Bologna 2009

Module B (6 cfu): Italy in the Late Middle Ages

The students are required to choose and study 12 essays from the volume

Lo Stato del Rinascimento in Italia, a cura di A. Gamberini e I. Lazzarini, Viella, Roma 2014


The students in Modern Foreign Languages and Civilisations are required to study carefully the reference book:

A. Zorzi, Manuale di storia medievale, UTET, Torino 2016

As a further reading, the students will choose and study two of the following chapters of the volume:

La Storia, I grandi problemi dal Medioevo all'Età Contemporanea, a cura di N. Tranfaglia e L. Firpo, vol. II, Il Medioevo, 2, Popoli e strutture Politiche, UTET, Torino 1986:

VII. R. Mantran, L’espansione araba e il mondo musulmano, pp. 197-230
IX. A.A. Settia, L’espansione normanna, pp. 263-285
X. A.A. Settia, Le incursioni saracene e ungare, pp. 287-306
XI. G. Tabacco, L’impero romano-germanico e la sua crisi (secoli X-XIV), pp. 307-338
XII. C. Carozzi, Le monarchie feudali: Francia e Inghilterra, pp. 339-367
XIX. G.G. Merlo, I mongoli da Gengis Khan a Tamerlano, pp. 553-574
XX. A. Gallotta, Gli ottomani, pp. 575-595
XXI. J. Macek, Il mondo slavo, pp. 597-621
XXII. N. Coulet, Francia e Inghilterra nella guerra dei Cent’anni, pp. 623-650
XXIII. J. Gautier Dalché, La “Reconquista” in Spagna, pp. 651-671


For the first module students are required to study the reference book on their own. To deepen their understanding of the basic concepts, students will also be required to study either the blended course available on the e-learning website Elly, or one of the books suggested in the syllabus as an alternative option.
For the second module the students are required to study individually the essays suggested in the syllabus.

Module A (6 cfu)

All the courses:

- A. Zorzi, Manuale di storia medievale, UTET, Torino 2016

Humanities and Philosophical studies:

- R. Bordone, G. Sergi, Dieci secoli di medioevo, Einaudi, Torino 2009


- M. Ascheri, Medioevo del potere. Le istituzioni laiche ed ecclesiastiche, Il Mulino, Bologna 2009 Modern Foreign Languages and Civilisations:La Storia, I grandi problemi dal Medioevo all'Età Contemporanea, a cura di N. Tranfaglia e L. Firpo, vol. II, Il Medioevo, 2, Popoli e strutture Politiche, UTET, Torino 1986

Module B (6 cfu)

Lo Stato del Rinascimento in Italia, a cura di A. Gamberini e I. Lazzarini, Viella, Roma 2014

Teaching methods


During the classes the teacher will introduce - roughly in chronological order - the main issues and themes of medieval history, using the reference bibliography and (if necessary) other texts for the study of particular aspects. Historical maps will also be shown and discussed, to help students to frame the events in space.

Assessment methods and criteria

Oral examination in Italian.
The examination will start with a simple test to assess the student’s ability to put people and events in the correct space (also using blank maps) and chronological order. The examination aims to assess, in particular:
a) The student’s ability to place key events, characters and the social and cultural development in correct chronological order.
b) The lexical precision in describing specific phenomena of the Middle Ages and, more generally, the use of the specific language of the historical disciplines.
c) The adequate ability to study independently and critically revise the contents learned during the course and through the study of the texts, as well as the aptitude to link structures and dynamics, and to identify causal relationships.
d) The ability to establish connections between events and phenomena typical of the medieval period and the contemporary world.

In order to verify the learning level achieved by the students, the questions are designed to assess their ability to elaborate on the learned notions in original and independent ways, their lexical precision, and their ability to deal with complex issues by building complex arguments.

Failure is determined by the inability to understand the basic elements of the course, particularly with regard to the placement of events and characters in the correct temporal and spatial context; by the inability to express himself/herself in correct Italian; by the inability to explain specific concepts and phenomena related to the Middle Ages with adequate lexical precision; by the lack of preparation and knowledge of the texts in the syllabus.
Sufficient performance (18 to 23/30) is determined by the student’s ability to place events and characters in the correct spatial and temporal context; by the ability to explain the concepts and phenomena typical of the Middle Ages with adequate lexical precision; by the ability to reprocess the information by making independent judgments.
Medium marks (24 to 27/30) are given to the student who shows a level more than sufficient (24 to 25/30) or good (26 to 27/30) according to the indicators listed above.
Higher scores (28 to 30/30 or 30/30 cum laude) are awarded to students who demonstrate a very good or outstanding level according to the indicators listed above; as well as the ability to articulate complex discourses; the ability to formulate personal and original judgments; the ability to identify and explain cause-effect relationships; the ability to identify links between spatial and temporal contexts (and also political, social, economic and cultural phenomena) distant in time and space.

Other information

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2030 agenda goals for sustainable development

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Toll-free number

800 904 084

Student registry office


Quality assurance office

Education manager:
Dott.ssa Valentina Galeotti
T. +39 0521 034133
Manager E.
Office E.

President of the degree course

Prof. Marco Gentile

Faculty advisor

Prof. Nicola Catelli

Prof.ssa Margherita Centenari

Prof. Simone Gibertini

Career guidance delegate

Prof. Carlo Alberto Gemignani

Referenti per piani di studio e convalide

Prof. Carlo Varotti | Studenti A-L

Prof. Paolo Rinoldi | Studenti M-Z

Erasmus delegates

Prof.ssa Cristina Carusi | Erasmus+ SMT

Prof. Luca Iori | Erasmus+ SMS

Quality assurance manager

Prof.ssa Paola Volpini


Prof.ssa Giulia Raboni

Tutor students

Dott. Alberto Negri

Dott.ssa Irene Rizzi