cod. 18006

Academic year 2017/18
2° year of course - First semester
Alessia MORIGI
Academic discipline
Archeologia classica (L-ANT/07)
"storia, archeologia e storia dell'arte"
Type of training activity
36 hours
of face-to-face activities
6 credits
hub: PARMA
course unit

Integrated course unit module: ARCHAEOLOGY OF THE WORLD CLASSIC

Learning objectives

The course aims to provide advanced training in the field of Greek and Roman archeology. Training objective is the acquisition of a wide and qualified theoretical and practical knowledge of the latest research methodologies in the field of archeology of the classical world and high qualification in the field of the protection, conservation and enhancement of the archaeological heritage. Tools, objectives and methods of contemporary archaeological research will be acquired by the maturation of humanistic skills and techniques related to the ancient city of settlements in terms of programs, structural setting and infrastructure, architectural language, building techniques, street furniture. All of these skills will enable the achievement of a critical awareness of the ancient settlement, which you will be able to historicize the birth in relation to the construction and evolution of political, social and cultural systems of the classical world by recognizing the semantic and narrative tools . The final objective will be the ability to decode independently ancient city in all its components using the most sophisticated tools available to the professional archaeologist who works in urban settings with continuity of life, or preventive archeology, archival research, archaeological aerofotointerpretazione, geological surveys, mapping of urban environments, virtual archeology. The knowledge and learning skills acquired during the undergraduate program will be implemented through the delivery of specialized texts, including in foreign language, that will help develop and implement original ideas independently thanks to the possible participation in initiatives aimed at knowledge of new search paths and conscious mastery of the scientific debate on archaeological studies and disciplines applied to archeology. The student will be stressed, in this second level of study, a critical study of texts proposed for self-study and a more specialized methodological approach towards the issues under investigation. As part of the seminar discussions can be entrusted specific tasks, in which the student must demonstrate independent critical thinking and ability to solve new problems, to correctly apply the methods and tools of the latest research within the interdisciplinary framework that characterizes' teaching, being able to communicate in an appropriate manner their skills and the results of his research, using the technical language of their discipline, to be able to use the main computer programs and repertoires as documentation tool and vehicle of communication, to be able to master the methods of documentation ancient archaeological contexts, including through the reading of the main archaeological and written sources relating to them. It will also be able to read and understand scientific texts specialized in foreign languages, and to use an interactive computer tools as information channels, and in-depth study. The student will, therefore, deal with in a mature and independent study of specific topics in the field of archaeological disciplines, choosing learning strategies and study its potential and more appropriate to the chosen theme. It may, therefore, develop processing capabilities to enable it to continue, for the most part independently, studying archeology in a perspective linked, for example, a possible research activities or to further development of skills in the professional field research institutions and public and private institutions responsible for the protection and promotion of cultural heritage, namely universities, museums, archaeological superintendence, foundations, public and private institutions that govern the management of the landscape and managing excavation, archaeological teaching and museum exhibition.


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Course unit content

The course will examine the construction and management of the ancient city as the coefficient of identity and consent in the greek-roman world. The urban model will be investigated, such as diagnostic tools, the main factors of development and territorial control, settlement programs, the plan, the structural setting and infrastructure, the architectural language, techniques, building codes, urban design. The birth of the city will be historicized in relation to the construction and evolution of political, social and cultural life of the classical world: the Roman world will be exemplified phases of continuity with the pre-Roman settlements, the new foundations, interventions sillan and municipal phases triumviral and Augustan, the encoding of the imperial age. The semantic systems and their narrative tools of the Roman city will be exemplified in the specific contexts of ancient Italy, with particular regard to Rome and the Roman cities in the first imperial age: the realities of settlement minors will be demonstrated in structuring urban sense as the coefficient of aggregation socio-political and civic identity and the progressive definition of their shape in relation to the dialectic between political hierarchies established and emerging power groups; Rome will address the construction of a monumental architectural concrete instrumental party in power of the ruling dynasty, which will be located in the expressive language of ancient written sources, the epigraphic and numismatic, in the characters of street furniture in the topics introduced by the decorative programs monumental, licensing expressive claimed by the story of pictorial and sculptural images. The examination of the lymphatic system of the city will see, finally, the contribution of humanistic skills and techniques required in the professional archaeologist who work in urban areas with continuity of life: preventive archeology, archival research, aerofotointerpretazione archaeological, geological surveys, mapping of urban environments, virtual archeology will be proposed as a means of recognition of the urban form in the ancient city of modern and contemporary.

Full programme

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P. Sommella, Italia antica. L’urbanistica romana, Roma 2002, pp. 17-32, 55-67, 83-92, 109-123, 143-164, 191-198.
P. Gros, M. Torelli, Storia dell’urbanistica. Il mondo romano, Roma-Bari 2010, pp. 243-271.
A. Morigi, La città punica. Topografia e urbanistica, Lugano 2007, pp. 9-21 e 40-55.
J.-P. Adam, L’arte di costruire presso i Romani. Materiali e tecniche, Milano 2001, pp. 111-211.
A. Carandini, Le case del potere nell’antica Roma, Roma-Bari 2010, pp. 3-17 e 293-301.
E. De Albentiis, La casa dei Romani, Milano 1990, pp. 73-168.
Vivere in villa. Le qualità delle residenze agresti in età romana. Atti del Convegno (Ferrara 2003), a cura di J. Ortalli, Firenze 2006, pp. 7-41.
H. Mielsch, La villa romana, Firenze 1990, pp. 35-88.
A. Coralini, A. Guidazzoli, M. Spigarolo, M. C. Liguori, A. Baglivo, Dai pennelli ai pixels: visite virtuali di ieri e di oggi, in Davvero! La Pompei di fine ’800 nella pittura di Luigi Bazzani. Catalogo della mostra (Bologna-Napoli 2013), Bologna 2013, pp. 69-74.
A. Morigi, Forum Popili: forma e urbanistica, in Cultura abitativa nella Cisalpina romana, 1. Forum Popili, a cura di A. Coralini, Firenze 2010, pp. 174-214 e 244-276.
A. Morigi, Sarsina e la valle del Savio: la forma della città e del territorio, in Storia di Sarsina, 1. L’età antica, a cura di A. Donati, Cesena 2008, pp. 70-110.
A. Morigi, Dal tempio alla cattedrale. Verso la risemantizzazione dello spazio urbano sarsinate, in Storia di Sarsina, 2. L’età medievale, a cura di M. Mengozzi, Cesena 2010, pp. 55-95.
A. Morigi, La città dentro la città. Le trasformazioni di Parma antica, in Storia di Parma, 2. Parma romana, a cura di D. Vera, Parma 2009, pp. 659-691.
A. Morigi, Carsulae. Topografia e monumenti, Roma 1997, pp. 9-30 e 74-107.
A. Morigi, Spoleto romana. Topografia e urbanistica, Oxford 2003, pp. 3-11 e 128-146.

Program and bibliography will be given during the lessons and will be available on the portal of teaching www.lea.unipr.it, where they will be also published all materials and information about activities and initiatives planned during the semester, which will be automatically delivered via email to registered students.

Teaching methods

The teaching method is appropriate to the specific needs of the discipline, which requires the transmission of the main contents of archaeological research through traditional lectures and examples of the most common tools to work through any practical applications, if supplemented by seminars in collaboration with the main regional museums. The work material requires the constant use of computer support, they can immediately transfer, on a visual level, the content in question. Students will be invited to interact with the main digital databases and to become familiar with the new technologies applied to cultural heritage, with particular attention to the e-archeology, the archaeological documentalistica, to geographic information systems, cartography archeology. At the end of the seminar discussion will be required for a given research topic during the lectures.

Assessment methods and criteria

The valuation method involves an oral preceded by any discussion seminars and tutorials on a specific research topic. Questions on the main lines of scientific debate related to archeology, topography and urban planning of the classical world will aim to test knowledge and skills on diagnostics of ancient urban contexts, the semantic systems of the Greek and Roman city, on the historicization of urban settlement dynamics on the protection , conservation and enhancement of the archaeological centers with continuity of life. The sufficiency will be considered to be verified if the acquisition of advanced knowledge and specialized research tools that can support deep understanding of the lymphatic system of the ancient city and the management aware of the research methods of their urban contexts with continuity of life. The score will be calculated based on the student's ability to acquire a critical awareness of the contents of archaeological debate on the Greek and Roman city and of the finest tools and methods of archaeological research of contemporary urban environments. The final score of the integrated will be calculated by averaging the scores achieved in the individual tests.

Other information

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