cod. 1007060

Academic year 2017/18
1° year of course - First semester
Martina GIUFFRE'
Academic discipline
Discipline demoetnoantropologiche (M-DEA/01)
Attività formative affini o integrative
Type of training activity
30 hours
of face-to-face activities
6 credits
course unit

Learning objectives

To acquire the fundamental concepts and tools of cultural anthropology; to broaden their horizons and vision of the world; to learn to deconstruct stereotypes and question the assumptions of common sense; to develop reflexivity; to develop critical thinking; to become accustomed to listening to others.



Course unit content

The course will focus on the concepts, practices and methods of cultural anthropology, with special attention to ethnographic research, about which I will provide multiple examples. After contextualizing the birth of anthropology and changes in the ethnographic perspective from an historical point of view, I will lead students in analyzing several fundamental concepts such as culture, cultural relativism, stereotype, identity, gender, kinship, ethnocentrism and cultural translation, highlighting the cultural complexities and specificities of anthropological discourse as a critical tool for reading various social processes. In particular I will focus on some key issues of contemporary society as migration, gender and intercultural topics. Students will have the opportunity to carry out fieldwork with the supervision of the professor, and present the results in a report that will be part of the final evaluation.

Full programme

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1)Teorie, metodi e pratiche dell’ antropologia, dispense di Antropologia Culturale 2016/2017 a cura della docente
2)Fabio Dei, Antropologia Culturale, il Mulino ( cap. 1,2,3,4,5,6, 10, 12)
3)Mara Benadusi, La scuola già e non ancora interculturale. in LARES, Anno LXXV, n. 3, Settembre- Dicembre, Olschki, 2009 (pp.469-504)
Benadusi M., Scuola e Migrazioni, in Riccio B. (a cura di), Antropologia e Migrazioni, Cisu, Roma, 2014, pp.144-156.
4)Una monografia a scelta tra le seguenti:- Shostak M., Nisa. La vita e le parole di una donna !Kung, Meltemi, 2002.- Mead M., L’adolescenza in Samoa, Giunti, 2007.
- Mead M., Maschio e femmina, il Saggiatore, 2016
- Giuffrè M., Donne di Capo Verde, CISU, 2007.
- Giuffrè M. (a cura di), Uguali, diversi, normali. Stereotipi, rappresentazioni e contro narrative del mondo rom in Italia, Spagna e Romania, Castelvecchi, 2014.
- Tallè C., 'Scuola, Costumbre, Identità', CISU, 2009.
-Lelli, S., 2007, 'Trasformazioni guaranì. Tra paradigma sciamanico e scuola', CISU
-Benadusi, M., 2012, 'Il segreto di Cybernella', Euno Edizioni
-Gomes, A.M., 1998, 'Venga che te fago scriver. Etnografia della scolarizzazione in una comunità Sinti', CISU- Giuffrè M. (a cura di), Essere madri oggi tra biologia e cultura: etnografie della maternità nell'Italia contemporanea, Pacini, 2017 (in uscita)
I non frequentanti oltre ai testi indicati dovranno portare anche:

Descola P., Diversità di Natura , diversità di Cultura, Book Time, 2011

Teaching methods

The course will consist of face to face lectures, during which the teacher will explain in detail the content of the exam texts and provide insights and examples with the aid of PowerPoint. I will also lead students in group discussions on specific topics and exercises to be decided on together with the students.

Assessment methods and criteria

Oral exam. Possibility of Intermediate tests.

Other information

Readiness to offer individual assistance (student assistance, explanations during class) also in a foreign language (English) to incoming students.

2030 agenda goals for sustainable development

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