Learning objectives
The course (9 CFU) is composed of two parts: I (6 CFU) and e-learning (3 CFU).
(Prof. Zanichelli):
a) Legal logic and argumentation
By attending the lectures and/or by studying the textbook, the students shall be able to:
1. Know and understand the basic concepts of the general theory of law;
2. Apply the acquired knowledge to the problems addressed in the current practice of law;
3. Understand and master the special vocabulary of legal theory;
4. Improve their language skills and expressive abiliy;
5. Develop an autonomous learning method.
b) Legal computer science
By attending the lectures and/or by studying the textbook, the students shall be able to:
1. Know and understand the basic concepts and paradigmatic issues of legal computer science, from a theoretical point of
2. Know and understand how information technology is changing the legal systems and the practice of law;
3. Apply the acquired knowledge to some problems addressed in the current practice of law;
4. Understand the special vocabulary of legal computer science;
5. Develop a critical approach to the addressed issues.
Part b) concerns also former students who have to take the examination of Legal computer science mod. I.
(Prof. Del Sole and Prof. Sarcinella):
The course aims to achieve a good command in computer and information technology and communication to perform activities of study and work.
The lessons, taking into account the initial knowledge base of students, will have as their objective the achievement of competence, skill and autonomy in the use of the software tool and the main applications in view of the formation of the jurist.
The aspects most closely linked to the legal sector (forexample, drafting a thesis in law, finding legal precedents and normative references, the editing of legal proceedings and knowledge of essential paths in the “telematics process”) will be within the program provided, at European level, to pass the ECDL test (ECDL - European Computer Driving Licence).
This setting will also allow students to earn a useful training for the eventual preparation of the official ECDL, at one of the accredited test centre.
The same program concerns the exam of Legal Informatics Mod. II for former students.
No prerequisite
Course unit content
(Prof. Zanichelli):
The course of Legal logic, argumentation and informatics I is composed of two parts:
(a) Legal logic and argumentation
(first part of the course)
(b) Legal computer science
(second part of the course)
Legal logic and argumentation addresses some basic concepts of the general theory of law, e.g.: law as a rule of conduct; features of legal rules; features of legal system
Legal computer science concerns the very theoretical and normative features of the subject, and it aims to analyze the transformations of legal
systems following the developments in information technology, and the
solutions provided by the law to the new problems arising from
information technology.
Main issues:
1. Introductory notions: relationship between law and technology;
2. data protection;
3. digital document and digital signature;
4. AI and robotics;
5. social network sites;
6- e-democracy;
7. Dematerialization.
The part b) Legal computer science concerns also former students who have to take the examination of Legal computer science mod. I.
(Prof. Del Sole and Prof. Sarcinella):
E-learning materials are available at
The course concerns the following subjects, for which one can refer to the analytical descriptions contained in the modules of the syllabus for the ECDL certificate (European Computer Driving Licence) according to the indications in the syllabus version 6.0:
- Basic concepts in information technology (ICT);
- Computer use and file management;
- Word processing;
- Computer networks, Internet and email;
- Use of databases and legal searches on internet;
- Basic concepts on IT security;
- Basic concepts of the main features of Excel and PowerPoint.
Is also part of the course the study of the basic concepts of the telematic process.
The classes taught in e-learning mode use the Microsoft Office 2016.
The same program concerns the exam of Legal Informatics Mod. II for former students.
Full programme
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(Prof. Zanichelli):
The textbooks are the same for bot attending and non attending students:
(a) Legal logic and argumentation: N. Bobbio, Teoria generale del diritto, Giappichelli, Torino, only pp. 3-15; 23-29, 31; 45-57; 63-69; 72-77; 115-133; 145-150; 159-160; 166-170; 172-177; 179-181;
209; 212-221; 237-242; 262-268; 270-273;
(b) Legal computer science:
G. Pascuzzi, Il diritto dell'era digitale, il Mulino, Bologna 2020, only pp. 17-31; 42-46; 82-88; 92-104; 116-129; 133-135; 240-250; 289-308; 315-335; 361-364; 379.
Current students have to study both textbook a) and b).
Former student have to study just textbook b).
(Prof. Del Sole and Prof. Sarcinella):
E-learning materials are available at
In order to prepare for the exam it is recommended to choose one of the manuals available to prepare the ECDL Full Standard (seven modules). Among the manuals on the market:
Per la preparazione dell'esame si consiglia l'utilizzo di un testo, a scelta, fra quelli disponibili per la preparazione dell'ECDL Full Standard (sette moduli). Fra i volumi in commercio si segnalano:
TIBONE, La Patente del Computer. Nuova ECDL con Windows 10 e Office 2016, Zanichelli, 2020;
LUGHEZZANI-PRINCIVALLE, Nuova ECDL Base + Full Standard Extension, volume unico, Hoepli, 2017-2018.
Or any other manual useful for the preparation of the ECDL FULL STANDARD (AICA).
The same program concerns the exam of Legal Informatics Mod. II for former students.
Teaching methods
(Prof. Zanichelli):
Lectures are basically intended to help the students to master the topics addressed in the textbooks, and to develop an autonomous learning method.
The lectures shall follow the treatment of the subjects as it is developed in the textbooks.
The lectures concerning part a) shall put and explain some basic concepts of the general theory of law.
Such part of the course is addressed just to the current students (who have to take Legal logic, argumentation and informatics I).
The lectures concerning part b) shall analyze the transformations of legal
systems following the developments in information technology, and the
solutions provided by the law to the new problems arising from
information technology.
Such part of the course is addressed to both current and former students (who have to tale Legal computer science mod. I).
(Prof. Del Sole and Prof. Sarcinella):
The course is taught in e-learning mode.
E-learning materials are available at
The same program concerns the exam of Legal Informatics Mod. II for former students.
A partial test is scheduled (in December 2020).
Assessment methods and criteria
The students have to pass on the same day the examinations covering:
a) Legal logic and argumentation (Prof. Zanichelli);
b) Legal computer science I (Prof. Zanichelli);
c) Legal computer science mod. e-learning (Prof. Del Sole and Prof. Sarcinella).
Final mark shall be the average
of marks obtained in these three tests. If a student passes just one test or two, he has to take again the full examination.
Oral examination, consisting of some questions concerning the issues addressed in the lectures and textbook.
Different kinds of questions:
- broad and general questions intended to test the knowledge of basic concepts of general theory of law;
- more specific questions intended to test the ability to recognize, compare, and distinguish the different topics, from a linguistic, logical and argumentative point of view.
Evaluation criteria:
- broadness and depth of the acquired knowledge;
- adequate competence in order to understand the mentioned topics;
- thoughtful exposition of the subjects, beyond a mechanical repetition;
- language skills and expressive ability.
(also for former students who have to take the examination of Legal computer science I)
Examination shall be a written multiple choice test, consisting of 15 questions concerning the
issues addressed in the lectures and textbook. Different kinds of questions: - broad
and general questions intended to test the knowledge of basic concepts
of legal computer science; - more specific questions intended to test the
ability to compare and distinguish the different topics. The students have 15 minutes to complete the test. To pass the examination they have to provide at least 9 correct answers out of 15.
A partial examination on part a) and part b) shall be scheduled, for all the students, between the end of the course and the beginning of final examinations. Mark obtained in this partial examination shall contribute to the final mark (if satisfactory), or it shall serve as a self-assessment tool (if not satisfactory).
LEGAL INFORMATICS E-LEARNING (also for former students who have to take the examination of Legal computer science I):
The exam will take place using computer technology, and will consist in the evaluation of theoretical and practical knowledge.
The evaluation of theoretical knowledge will concern the basic concepts of information and communications technology and all the other theoretical concepts indicated in the Syllabus.
The evaluation of practical knowledge will concern the criteria for searching legal documentation in database, websites and the Internet, and the use of a word processing program, with the related functions.
The evaluation of theoretical and practical knowledge will take place through test on computer (possible questions: True / False, multiple choice, correspondence and choice of missing words).
Students can view the "TEST PER ESERCITAZIONE ESAME" (take practice tests) on the Elly platform, at the link https://elly.gspi.unipr.it/2019/mod/quiz/view.php?id=1167
WARNING: in case of technical impossibility of using the computer, the test will be run on paper, with equivalence of contents compared to those administered via computer.
Students holding a final certificate ECDL may sit only the part of the program covering the criteria for searching legal documentation, while the remaining part of the program of the module of Informatics will be recognised; in this case, students will have to present the ECDL certification on the examination day.
Other information
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