cod. 00978

Academic year 2019/20
3° year of course - Second semester
Academic discipline
Storia della pedagogia (M-PED/02)
Discipline scientifiche demoetnoantropologiche, pedagogiche, psicologiche e economiche
Type of training activity
60 hours
of face-to-face activities
12 credits
hub: PARMA
course unit

Learning objectives

Expected learning outcomes: knowledge of the proposed texts.
Knowledge and understanding: critical attitude, with the aid of human sciences and their interdisciplinary intersections.
Ability in applying knowledge and understanding: making use of the critical tools and historical insights acquired.
Making judgments: it is the overarching goal of the course, with particular reference to the acquisition of an awareness of historical distance and of the longue durée of the investigated phenomena.
Communication skills: acquisition of a language not necessarily technical, but able to distinguish and give an account of the characteristics of an educational texts from the past.
Learning skills: in proportion to the individual abilities.



Course unit content

Moral education between rationality, religion and politics: European inspirations in 19th-century Italy

Full programme

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1) Pierre-Jean-Georges Cabanis, Rapporti del fisico e del morale dell’uomo (prime sei Memorie, 1798; ed. italiana 1820)
https://books.google.it/books?id=mIy0AAAAIAAJ - pp. 15-27 (Prefazione), pp. 69-105 (Memoria I), pp. 173-207 (Memoria IV).

2) Victor Cousin, Corso di storia della filosofia morale (1819-20; ed. italiana 1842)
https://books.google.it/books?id=XuQ3ubQUKNwC - up to pag. 128

3) Silvio Pellico, Dei doveri degli uomini (1834)

4) Herbert Spencer, Educazione intellettuale, morale e fisica (1861; ed. italiana 1876)
https://books.google.it/books?id=9081Auhn4FgC - cap. 1 e cap. 3

5) Antonio Labriola, Della libertà morale (1873)
https://books.google.it/books?id=br3F-E39skwC - cap. 1, 2, 7, 8, 10, 12, 13

6) One of these novels:

Lev Tolstoj – Infanzia-Adolescenza-Giovinezza (1852-56) – at least two sections
Robert Musil - I turbamenti del giovane Törless (1906)
Jack London – Zanna Bianca (1906)
Alain-Fournier - Il grande Meaulnes (1913)
John Steinbeck – Pian della Tortilla (1935)
John Fante – Full of life (1952)
Haruki Murakami - L'incolore Tazaki Tsukuru e i suoi anni di pellegrinaggio (2013)

All novels are easily available in hard copy or e-book. English/French/German editions can be chosen by non-Italian native speakers.

Teaching methods

Selected passages from the texts will be read during the lessons, with comments aimed at highlighting the cultural context and the main decisions made by the authors. Through the comment and, when possible, the discussion with the students, critical skills and independence of judgment of the students will be trained.

Assessment methods and criteria

Final assessment will consist of an interview in which the student has to show:
- The ability to set out clearly, with appropriate vocabulary, features, content and historical context of a pedagogical text.
- Knowledge of the historical background and the major pedagogical elements of the proposed texts, ascertained, if necessary, through questions posited by the teacher in the context of the presentation offered by the student.
- The threshold of pass mark is defined by the presence of both parameters:
a. full reading of the proposed texts;
b. Implementation of a research / individual reflection on the text with the elaboration of individual proposals and criticism.

Other information

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2030 agenda goals for sustainable development

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