Learning objectives
1. The aim of the course is the understanding of the relationship between perception and perception of value focusing specifically on two of the most important philosophical traditions of Twenty Century, i.e. phenomenology and ethical intuitionism. Knowledge of the philosophical vocabulary with particular attention to the historical development of concepts.
2. Knowledge of the addressed issues and of the main methods used to develop them. Ability to understand the main thesis of phenomenology and intuitionism relatively to the conditions of possibility of value-perception.
3. Ability to write coherent paper using the philosophical terminology appropriately.
4-5. Ability to grasp and establish connections among the philosophical positions discussed in class also in an interdisciplinary way. Ability to argue for the supported thesis.
Course unit content
Phenomenology and Intuitionism: perception, emotion, value
The course is aimed at showing the relationship between perception, emotion and value within the history of philosophy of Twenty Century focusing specifically on two philosophical trends: phenomenology and ethical intuitionism. The course focuses on the conditions of possibility of value-perception considered as a modality through which person is able to grasp the rightness of an action
Full programme
The course consists of two parts:
1. Phenomenology and perception
An introductory part is aimed to provide a general overview of the basic problems of phenomenology focusing on both the most significant theoretical-methodological aspects and on their contextualization within the philosophical debate of the time. Specifically it will be paid particular attention to the phenomenological account of perception considered as a direct mode through which the subject understand the world.
2. Perception, emotion, value
If phenomenological account of perception invite us to consider perception as if it were an act through which we intend something, what happens when this "experienced something" hints to the subject a certain emotional response? Can emotions can be considered as perception’s modalities and how they can be rightly addressed? Trying to answer to these questions the second part of the course is aimed to show how the attention phenomenology paid to perception has found a specific development within the contemporary debate into the account of “moral perception” proposed by ethical intuitionism
E. Husserl, Percezione e attenzione, Mimesis, Milano-Udine 2016;
M. Scheler, Amore e conoscenza, Morcelliana, Brescia 2009;
R. Audi, Percezione morale, Mimesis, Milano-Udine 2017.
Teaching methods
Lectures. Reading, analysis and discussion of the authors' works, written training
Assessment methods and criteria
Oral examination. The oral examination is aimed to verify: I) command of the topics and of the texts presented in class; II) the ability to contextualize issues within the historical-philosophical reference-horizon
Other information
Further information about the course as well as didactic-resources will be made available on Elly
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