cod. 1003030

Academic year 2019/20
3° year of course - Second semester
Academic discipline
Filosofia politica (SPS/01)
Discipline storico-antropologiche-filosofico-pedagogiche
Type of training activity
54 hours
of face-to-face activities
9 credits
hub: PARMA
course unit

Learning objectives

By attending the lectures and by studying the textbooks, the students shall be able to:

1. Know and understand the basic concepts of the theory of democracy, capability approach and ethics of care;

2. Apply the acquired knowledge to the main problems addressed in the current practice of democracy, especially as far as the relationship between people and institutions;

3. Understand and master the special vocabulary of political theory;

4. Improve their language skills and expressive abiliy;

5. Develop an autonomous learning method.


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Course unit content

This course addresses two main subjects, concerning the relationship between people and political institutions:

1. Critical analysis of some main issues concerning contemporary democracy (e.g. : environment, common good, citizenship, community, rights, globalization, liberty, pluralism, people, representation, solidarity, tolerance, etc.);

2. A focus on how the consciousness of human vulnerability (especially as far as the people with disabilities) challenges the traditional frame of modern political thought, as well as the ideas of justice, equality, autonomy, independence and human dignity.

Full programme

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R. Gatti, L. Alici, I. Vellani (ed.), Vademecum della democrazia. Un dizionario per tutti, Editrice AVE, Roma 2013, only entries Ambiente, Bene comune, Bioetica, Città, Cittadinanza, Comunicazione politica, Comunità, Comunità internazionale, Diritti e doveri, Dono, Educazione civica, Etica e politica, Europeismo/Europa, Famiglia e mezzi di comunicazione, Globalizzazione, Lavoro, Libertà, Partiti e movimenti politici, Pluralismo, Popolo, Pubblicità, Rappresentanza, Relazione, Responsabilità politica, Solidarietà e sussidiarietà, Tolleranza.
M. Zanichelli, Persone prima che disabili. Una riflessione sull'handicap tra giustizia ed etica, Queriniana, Brescia 2012, pp. 7-86.
- M. Zanichelli (ed.), La persona come categoria bioetica. Prospettive umanistiche, FrancoAngeli, Milano 2019, only pp. pp. 7-16; 51-67; 145-161; 181-231;
- M.C. Nussbaum, Giustizia sociale e dignità umana. Da individui a persone, il Mulino, Bolgna 2013, chapt. I-II-III;
- M.C. Nussbaum, Le nuove frontiere della giustizia, il Mulino, Bologna 2007, chapt. II-III (pp. 113-242);
- E. F. Kittay, La cura dell'amore. Donne, uguaglianza, dipendenza, Vita & Pensiero, Milano 2010, Pref. (pp. XXIX-XLI); Introd. (pp. 3-38); chapt. I (pp. 41-87); chapt. VI-VII (pp. 267-327).

Teaching methods

Lectures are basically intended to help the students
- to master the topics addressed in the textbooks;
- to develop an autonomous learning method;
- to acquire critical abilities in relation to the topics studied.

Assessment methods and criteria

Oral examination, consisting of some questions concerning the issues addressed in the lectures and textbooks.
Evaluation criteria:
- broadness and depth of the acquired knowledge;
- adequate competence in order to understand the mentioned topics;
- thoughtful exposition of the subjects, beyond a mechanical repetition;
- language skills and expressive ability.

Other information

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2030 agenda goals for sustainable development

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