cod. 1006780

Academic year 2017/18
2° year of course - First semester
Alessia MORIGI
Academic discipline
Archeologia classica (L-ANT/07)
"storia, archeologia e storia dell'arte"
Type of training activity
36 hours
of face-to-face activities
6 credits
hub: PARMA
course unit

Integrated course unit module: ARCHAEOLOGY OF THE WORLD CLASSIC

Learning objectives

The course is aimed at providing a basic understanding of the content and methods of archaeological research in the field of classical and the main lines of the scientific debate on the archeology, urban planning and art history of the greek and roman world, the goods diagnosis archaeological semantic systems, protection, conservation and enhancement of the archaeological heritage. Educational objectives are the recognition, understanding and documentation of archaeological sites Greeks and Romans. Acquisition aware of the sources and content of classical traditional skills will be added for the broad spectrum of new methodologies borrowed from the technical and scientific disciplines, with an emphasis on cognitive perspectives and methodological issues related to the construction of the urban model, the its constituents in terms of architectural and typological, programmatic aspects reported by the plan, the promotion of the city as the coefficient of aggregation socio-political and civic identity. The range of skills transmitted will support the understanding of the lymphatic system of the classical world, an artistic standpoint, settlement and material culture. The acquisition of basic knowledge must be accompanied by the maturation of self-judgment and mastery of content essential to the understanding and management of the documentation relating to the major archaeological contexts, the decoding of the structures, the translation of semantic systems, reading and documentation urban landscape. The student will be able to communicate appropriately with their skills and the results of his research, knowing how to use the main programs and repertoires computer as a tool for documentation and communication vehicle, able to read and understand scientific texts that instruct the contemporary archaeological debate, knowing how to use interactively sources and tools as channels of access to the major directories and archaeological documentalistica. Processing capabilities acquired will enable him to continue his studies in archeology or to spend their skills in the professional field in the institutions responsible for the protection and promotion of cultural heritage, or museums, archaeological superintendence, foundations, public and private institutions that govern the management of territory and who manage excavation, archaeological teaching and museum exhibition.


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Course unit content

The course will examine the main features, tools, and methods useful for the knowledge of classical archeology, with particular reference to the new perspectives of archaeological research and the main contexts known. Building on the history of archeology greek -Roman tradition and the perception of ancient European culture medieval, modern and contemporary art, will face off, with appropriate attention to the current debate, the guidelines and the periodization of the development of classical. The more traditional methods in terms of art-historical and philological research will complement those related to the stratigraphic excavation, new technologies applied to cultural heritage, the surface survey, preventive archeology . Tools and methods will be proposed, in a critical sense, highlighting the contribution to the identification of new data, with particular reference to the archeology of ancient Rome and its monumental center.

Full programme

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T. Hölscher, L’archeologia classica. Un’introduzione, Roma 2010.
P. Gros, M. Torelli, Storia dell’urbanistica. Il mondo romano, Roma-Bari 2010, pp. 201-242.
R. Bianchi Bandinelli, M. Torelli, L’arte dell’antichità classica. Etruria-Roma, Torino 1986, schede 2, 3, 4, 15, 29, 30, 31, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 74, 75, 77, 82, 90, 97, 98, 99, 101, 102, 104, 105, 106, 107, 110, 111, 112, 116, 119, 123, 124, 127, 142, 150, 165, 177, 192.
P. Zanker, Il mondo delle immagini e la comunicazione, in Storia di Roma dall'antichità a oggi. Roma antica, Bari 2000, pp. 211-245.
P. Zanker, Da Vespasiano a Domiziano. Immagine di sovrani e moda, in Divus Vespasianus. Il bimillenario dei Flavi, Milano 2009, pp. 62-67.
P. Zanker, Spazi figurativi e forme di ricezione nella Roma imperiale. Questioni e suggerimenti per interpreti, in Un’arte per l’Impero. Funzione e intenzione delle immagini nel mondo romano, Milano 2002, pp. 212- 231.
P. Zanker, Augusto e il potere delle immagini, Torino 2006.
T. Hölscher, Il linguaggio dell’arte romana. Un sistema semantico, Torino 2002.

Program and bibliography will be distributed during the lessons and will eventually be available on the website of teaching on the portal, where they will be also published all materials and information about activities and initiatives planned during the semester, which will be automatically delivered via email to registered students.

Teaching methods

The teaching method is appropriate to the specific needs of the discipline, which requires the transmission of the main content through traditional lectures and examples of the most common tools to work through practical applications, possibly supplemented by teaching seminars in collaboration with major institutions regional museums. The work material requires the constant use of computer support, they can immediately transfer, on a visual level, the content in question.

Assessment methods and criteria

The valuation method involves an oral preceded by any discussion seminars and tutorials with a proposal for a practical exercise in applying the methods most common diagnostic. Questions on the main lines of scientific debate related to archeology, urban planning and art history of the world greek and roman diagnostics of archaeological heritage, on semantic systems, protection, conservation and enhancement of the archaeological heritage will aim to test the knowledge base content and methods of archaeological research in the classical realm. The sufficiency will be considered to be verified if the acquisition of knowledge and research tools that can support the understanding of the lymphatic system of the classical world, an artistic standpoint, settlement and material culture. The score will be calculated based on the student's ability to acquire a critical awareness of the main aspects and contents of archaeological debate and the most common tools and methods of contemporary archaeological research. The final score of the integrated will be calculated by averaging the scores achieved in the individual tests.

Other information

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2030 agenda goals for sustainable development

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