Learning objectives
The course aims to provide the basic knowledge, both historical-literary and linguistic, of the discipline. The student will acquire:
1.Knowledge and understanding:
- well-rounded knowledge regarding the study of the subject: in particular, history of Greek language and Greek dialectology;
- he/she will be prompted to becoming acquainted with Greek language studies.
2.Knowledge and understanding skills applied:
- the student will develop the skill required to read Greek texts (also with critical edition);
- he/she will become acquainted with bibliographical and linguistic sources and he/she will be able to use them.
3.Making judgments:
- students develop the ability to collect and explain data to state independent judgments within the discipline.
4.Communication skills:
- students will be able to communicate and express methodological conclusions inherent to the discipline in a comprehensible way and supported by the acquired knowledge.
5. Ability to learn:
- students will enhance the learning skills necessary to keep on to study, in an autonomous way, the developments of the discipline.
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Course unit content
Semonides of Amorgos: the language and style of poets’ fragments.
1. linguistic, stylistic, philological and literary analysis.
2. a) knowledge of the history of Greek language, dialects and grammar; b) a selection of texts.
Full programme
The extended program is available on the Elly platform of Dept. DUSIC.
1. M.L. West, Iambi et elegi Graeci ante Alexandrum cantati, II, Oxonii 19922; Semonides. Testimonia et fragmenta, edd. Ae. Pellizer-I. Tedeschi, Romae 1990; Greek Iambic Poetry, ed. and transl. by D.E. Gerber, Cambridge (Mass.)-London 1999. Additional critical essay assigned during the course.
2. a) Storia delle lingue letterarie greche, a c. di A.C. Cassio, Firenze (Le Monnier) 2008, pp. 3-92.
2. b) E. Degani-G. Burzacchini, Lirici greci. Antologia, II ed., Bologna (Pàtron) 2005 [Firenze (La Nuova Italia) 1977]; G. Burzacchini, Lyra conversa, Bologna (Pàtron) 2009; Archiloco. Testimonianze e frammenti, traduzione e note di commento di A. Nicolosi, Roma (Aracne) 2017 (ISBN 9788825508550). Additional critical essay will be assigned during the course.
Teaching methods
The teaching method in use is appropriate to the specific needs of the subject which requires the communication of the main course content through classes (reading, translation and commentary of texts); the teaching material will be available at the beginning of the lessons. Discussion with students about textual and exegetical problems; seminars.
Assessment methods and criteria
The final examination will include an oral exam to ascertain familiarity with course material. The exam is divided into a series of 3 types of questions:
- the student will prove to be able to read, translate, analyze and comment (with linguistic comment) texts studied during the course (1);
- the student will prove to have linguistic knowledge and skills (2.b);
- the student will prove to have acquired knowledge of the topics (2.a).
The pass mark (in thirtieth) is achieved if the student proves to be able to answer to the three typology of questions. The outcome will be communicated immediately to the student.
A fail is determined by the lack of an understanding of the minimum content of the course, and the inability to express oneself adequately. A pass (18-21) are assigned to the student who will be able to exhibit with ownership the concepts and terms of the discipline, Middle-range scores (22-26) are assigned to the student who will show critical approach, Higher scores (27-30 e praise) are assigned to the student who will have deepened knowledge of the subject in an autonomous way.
Other information
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