Learning objectives
At the end of the course the students acquire useful knowledge to understand theoretical foundations and methods of investigation of human geography; for the critical analysis of cartography; for the acquisition of the main tools in the interpretation of the landscape, his conservation and management.
Students will be able to apply knowledge and comprehension skills in the field of geography through the use of different sources (books and articles of a scientific nature, cartographic and iconographic sources, multimedia materials, etc.) concerning basic subjects of the discipline as well as advanced research elements in this field.
Knowledge and understanding:
students will develop knowledge and comprehension competence useful for the critical analysis of the main local and global geographic problems, also in a didactic and communicative perspective (scholastic, popular and academic publishing).
Making judgements:
students will be able to collect and interpret data to determine
autonomous judgements in in the field of geographical analysis, including cross-cultural and interdisciplinary thinking on cultural and
intercultural, scientific and ethical topics connected to the judgements
expressed (sustainability of development, environmental issue, analysis of migration flows, management and safeguarding of cultural landscapes etc.).
Communication skills:
students will be able to convey information, ideas, problems and solutions to
specialists and non in the field of analysis of territorial and landscape systems and of geographical relations in local, national and global scale.
Students can make conclusions clearly and through the support of their knowledge.
Learning skills:
thanks to the disciplinary transversality of the topics covered during the course, students will develop the learning skills necessary to continue to acquire knowledge, in an autonomous and mainly self-directed way.
Students must have achieved a sufficient historical and geographical training in the previous scholastic curriculum.
Course unit content
This module aims of the first are to provide students with the fundamental knowledge of Human Geography: nodal concepts, sources and methods of investigation. In particular, the topics discussed will be: i) general introduction; ii) cultural geography; iii) population geography and migration geography; iv) language geography; v) ethnic groups and religions; vi) politic geography; vii) urban geography; viii) development geography; ix) production geography; x) agriculture geography; xi) communication geography; xii) environment geography.
Full programme
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Alyson L. Greiner, Giuseppe Dematteis, Carla Lanza, “Geografia umana. Un approccio visuale”, Utet, Torino, 2016.
For students who cannot attend the classes on a regular basis, the study of the previous books is to be added: teaching units available on the platform https://elly.lass.unipr.it/.
Teaching methods
Active lectures in which will be guaranteed a wide space for discussion and exchange of ideas related with the main topics presented during the two modules. The lecture of supplementary books and texts and the consultation of press news (also online) related to covered topics are encouraged. Due to the nature of the lesson cycle, the frequency to the class is to be considered essential.
Is provided a teaching methodology both in presence and remotely (e-learning "blended").
Assessment methods and criteria
The examination will take place in written form and will consist in ascertaining the knowledge acquired on the basis of the indicated bibliography. The written test consists in a series of open questions, covering the 12 chapters of the Human Geography manual.
A fail is determined by the lack of an understanding of the minimum content of the course, the inability to express oneself adequately, by a lack of autonomous preparation, the inability to solve problems related to information retrieval and the decoding of complex texts, as well as an inability to make independent judgment.
For the evaluation - expressed in thirtieths -, we take into account the originality of the answers to open questions, the use of appropriate terminology and mastery of the geographical lexicon, the ability to argue, control of arguments and critical judgment. The formal correctness of the text is also a prerequisite for a correct evaluation.
A pass (18-23/30) is determined by the student’s possession of the minimum, fundamental contents of the course, an adequate level of autonomous preparation
and ability to solve problems related to information retrieval and the decoding of complex texts, as well as an acceptable level of ability in making independent judgments. Middle-range scores (24-27/30) are assigned to the student who produces evidence of a more than sufficient level (24-25/30) or good level (26-27/30) in the evaluation indicators listed above. Higher scores (from 28/30 to 30/30 cum laude) are awarded on the basis of the student’s demonstration of a very good or excellent level in the evaluation indicators listed above.
If you do not reach the minimum score of 18/30 or wish to improve the vote, you can repeat the test in the following call.
Other information
Students will benefit of supplementary teaching activities (seminar) whose unwinding mode will be discussed during the course.
2030 agenda goals for sustainable development
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