cod. 1005031

Academic year 2017/18
3° year of course - Second semester
Academic discipline
Scienze infermieristiche ostetrico-ginecologiche (MED/47)
Scienze ostetriche
Type of training activity
40 hours
of face-to-face activities
4 credits
hub: -
course unit
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Learning objectives

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Basics of Health Economics. Midwifery Management

Course unit content

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Full programme


PAVESI: Synthesis of concepts related to the SSN, the establishment, the structure as an exoskeleton of the organization - Departments, Operating Units, PDTA.
Development of concepts that link the profession and organization.
Midwifery Mangement (assessment, diagnosis, pathway, and midwifery intervention tools) as a conceptual basis for the organization of obstetric and gynecological services for woman / couple / newborn.
VOLTOLINI: General topics such as obstetric risk and prevention: organizational policies for the reduction of risk in health care; The response of the Welfare Organization; external factors that hinder procedures and internal factors such as lack of knowledge of existing protocols. Study of company operating cards that regulate the main potential risk situations for the patient. Health personnel and new risk management strategies
Regulatory framework of reference in the field of risk, the contribution of the Law (Gaja) to the reduction of the risk, to the treatment of the basic elements of safety of the drugs in the department, methods of Preservation, Controls and supervision of the correct use of drugs. Transfusion safety, incident reporting.
Pathophysiology and the welfare modalities of childbirth in extra-hospital regimen.
Meaning of reproductive health in the different cultures.
The main health problems for women in the migration process.
Analysis of obstacles for foreign women in the access to SSN.


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Teaching methods

Frontal lessons, interactive lessons and group works. Slides and audiovisual material.

Assessment methods and criteria

The student’s knowledge, topics’ comprehension and her/his skill to apply them on the occupational contexts will be evaluated by questions on the topics related to the course content. Failed answer to one or more questions or proved insufficiency of the basic knowledge on the subject will preclude the successful completion of the exam. In case of completion of the exam, an evaluation that contributes to the final grade of the course will be defined and it will be based on the achievement of the objectives (excellent, good, fair, fully sufficient, barely sufficient).

Other information

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