cod. 12923

Academic year 2015/16
1° year of course - Second semester
Gabriella RONCHI
Academic discipline
Filologia e linguistica romanza (L-FIL-LET/09)
Filologia, linguistica e letteratura
Type of training activity
72 hours
of face-to-face activities
12 credits
course unit
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Learning objectives

The course aim, in A) part, to give a basic knowledge, from a linguistic and historical point of view, of Romance philology, necessary for student of Literature considering the relationships with italian medieval literature; the part B) aims to give the students the competence for a deep comprehension of old french literature in its manuscript transmission



Course unit content

Chrétien de Troyes ' Erec et Enide.
The course is divided into two parts:
a) Introduction to Romance philology; reading of some chapters of Chretien's Erec et Enide.
B)after an excursus the origin of the novel, the course will deal with Erec et Enide. The text will be read together with a philological and stylistical comments. The course will be coupled with several lessons on old french language.

Full programme

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Text of reference of the course:Erec et Enide, a c. di Cristina Noacco, Carocci, 2013; otherwise: Erec et Enide, a c. di Mario Roques, Champion, una qualsiasi ristampa.

Text for the part A) (6 cfu):
1. C. TAGLIAVINI, Le origini delle lingue neolatine, Bologna, Pàtron: study chapters. II, IV, V; read carefully chapt. III; chapt. VI: general classification of romance languages and 3 languages (one among Spanish/Catalan/ Portoguese; the galloromance language not studied in the monographic course; another language among Italian, Sardo, Ladin, Roumain).

History of Literature: Michel ZINK, Letteratura francese del Medioevo, Bologna, Il Mulino.

Text for the A+B parts (12 cfu):
1. C. TAGLIAVINI, Le origini delle lingue neolatine, Bologna, Pàtron: study chapters. II, IV, V; read carefully chapt. III; chapt. VI: general classification of romance languages and 3 languages (one among Spanish/Catalan/ Portoguese; the galloromance language not studied in the monographic course; another language among Italian, Sardo, Ladin, Roumain).

2. Old French Grammar: Au. RONCAGLIA, La lingua d’oil, Roma, Ed. dell’Ateneo.

3. Textual philology: B. BENTIVOGLI - P. VECCHI GALLI, Filologia italiana, B. Mondadori, 2002.

4. HIstory of LIterature: F. BRUGNOLO – R. CAPELLI, Profilo delle letterature romanze medievali, Roma, Carocci, 2011: everything except chapt. 5 (pp. 353-374).

Teaching methods

Front lessons: reading, translation of old french texts.
Seminars, held bu Luca Di Sabatino, on philological methods and on selected readings of other literary genres (lyric, epic, romance).

Assessment methods and criteria

The oral exam consists of questions of 3 kinds:
- test of translation of a text taken from the course;
- test on metrical, linguistical competence;
- test on the literary and historical context.
The 3 sets of questions will equally concur to the final note

Other information

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