Learning objectives
The present Latin Literature 2-unit course (12 CFU) aims at providing students with critical methodology, translation techniques and critical reading and interpretation of Latin literary texts.
The course aims at introducing students to Latin Oratory (first module) and Horatian Satire and Vergil's Eclogues genres (second module), so that students should:
- be able to place authors and literary movements in their proper historical context;
- be able to translate and analyze Latin literary texts and make personal judgements on Latin works and authors;
- have developed the ability to synthesize contents and properly assess and communicate their knowledge;
- have developed and demonstrate learning abilities recommended for further studies in Classics.
Classroom lectures, which are supplemented by practice sessions and tutorials (morphology, syntax, scansion, meter), will focus on the reading and interpretation of the texts provided.
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Course unit content
Literary genres between Caesar and Augustus. Historiography and epos.
The first module will focus on prose. Among the prosaic literary genres, historiography will be dealt with and, particularly, its development by Sallustius.
The second module will focus on epic poetry. We will deal with Vergil’s epic poem.
Full programme
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Classroom lectures:
Selected bibliography n the topics discussed will be provided during lessons and will be available online and in the secretary's office.
Required Text Books:
A. Traina – G. Bernardi Perini, Propedeutica al latino universitario (with the exception of chapters VI, VIII, IX), Bologna Pàtron 2007;
B. Morphology and Syntax (students will be free to select a Latin Grammar text book of their choice);
C. History of Latin Literature (students will be free to select a Latin Literature textbook of of their choice);
D. Cicero, Cato maior. De senecute;
E. Seneca, De providentia;
F. Vergil, Aeneid II.
Teaching methods
The course consists of classroom lectures supplemented by weekly tutorials.
Through classroom lectures students will be guided to a first methodological approach for the study of different texts according to the specific features of literary genres and authors.
Classroom lectures will be supplemented by practice sessions and tutorials to support students in gaining the resources and skills needed to properly read and translate texts and to understand the most important phonological and metrical aspects. Tutorial activities will be scaled up and down according to students’ abilities and needs.
Assessment methods and criteria
Students will be assessed by an oral examination based on the readings and other material used in the course and that will be administered at the end of the single module or at the end of the two courses.
The assessment aims to test:
1) proper knowledge and critical understanding of the literary and cultural background of the main and most important literary genres within the field of Latin Literature;
2) proper reading and translation of Latin texts;
3) critical and interpretation skills along with the ability to produce personal reinterpretation and interdisciplinary links;
4) oral proficiency; correct use of language; ability to give proper answers to given questions.
Students will have to fully achieve the first two assessment criteria and score a minimum of 60 percent or better to get a pass grade.
The final score will be calculated by the mean of the partial scores of the two modules.
Other information
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2030 agenda goals for sustainable development
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