Learning objectives
To provide base knowledge about the eukaryotic cell, animal in particular, and on animal organisms. To provide examples of biotechnological applications of the knowledge. To provide to the student the specific language and terms of biology.
Course unit content
First part: general biology
Introduction (general approach to biology, scientific method)
Chemical bases of life (carbon, water)
Biological macromolecules (carbohydrates, lipids, proteins)
How to study cells (microscopy, experimental approaches)
The cell (main structures)
Membranes and transport
Enzymes, metabolism and cell respiration
Cell cycle, mitosis, meiosis
Information on nucleic acids
Introduction to evolution
Second part: Animal Biology
Protists and Fungi
Animal diversity: invertebrates and vertebrates
Tissue organisation of animals and homeostasis
Animal tissues
Organisation of animals
Apparata and functions: skin, muscle, skeleton, digestive system, respiratory system, circulatory system, escretory system, nervous system and senses, immune system, endocrine system, reproduction
Exercises: individual research: hystological samples of animals
Full programme
First part: general biology
Introduction (general approach to biology, scientific method)
Chemical bases of life (carbon, water)
Biological macromolecules (carbohydrates, lipids, proteins)
How to study cells (microscopy, experimental approaches)
The cell (main structures)
Membranes and transport
Enzymes, metabolism and cell respiration
Cell cycle, mitosis, meiosis
Information on nucleic acids
Introduction to evolution
Second part: Animal Biology
Protists and Fungi
Animal diversity: invertebrates and vertebrates
Tissue organisation of animals and homeostasis
Animal tissues
Organisation of animals
Apparata and functions: skin, muscle, skeleton, digestive system, respiratory system, circulatory system, escretory system, nervous system and senses, immune system, endocrine system, reproduction
Campbell-Reece BIOLOGIA, eighth edition
Teaching methods
The course is organised with frontal lectures, using slides to illustrate the fundamental concepts. The slides are integrated with in depth information about application of animal organisms to biotechnology, and at times with material taken from the international literature.
Assessment methods and criteria
The exam for module 2 is oral. To access the exam, the student must deliver an original text made of two parts: 1-discussion about a group of animals, highlighting the main features and the applications to biotechnology; 2-comment to a series of hystological slides of mammals, provided as images.
The evaluation of the text contributes to the mark for 15%.
The oral exam includes two questions. The first one is on structure and functions of the animal cell, and must be successfully completed to gain access to the second one. Contribution to the mark is 50%.
The second question concerns structure and functions of an apparatus of mammals, and contributes to the mark as 35%.
The mark of module 2, made up as described, contributes to the final mark of the course in proportion to the number of credits, i.e. 6/12.
Verification of abilities (Dublin descriptors):
-knowledge is verified with the questions in the oral exams
-application of knowledge is verified through the written text, and in the exam
-communication skills and learning skills are verified in the different parts of the exam.
Other information
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