Thesis/Final examination

For the award of the degree of Dottore of Biotechnology, the student enters the final examination after having obtained the ECTS credits corresponding to the planned educational activities (176 ECTS credits).
The final examination takes place before a committee of professors/instructors and experts in the field appointed by the Rector, and consists of the discussion of a report describing the work carried out independently by the student as part of the practical training under the supervision of a supervisor.
The report and presentation may be written in English if the practical training was carried out at foreign institutions. The Commission asks the student questions designed to verify the autonomy achieved in processing the concepts and practical experiences of the placement.
The Commission's assessment, expressed by a mark out of 110, takes into account the student's performance in expressing himself/herself clearly, in the timely illustration of the main contents, in answering any questions and in the degree of autonomy of judgement demonstrated.

Elaborato di tirocinio e riassunto

Le attività svolte durante il tirocinio sono argomento della tesi di laurea, o elaborato di tirocinio, che dovrà avere la lunghezza di massimo 20 pagine, e dovrà essere articolato secondo lo stile tipico delle relazioni e degli elaborati di carattere tecnico-scientifico:

  • Frontespizio
  • Introduzione
  • Scopo del tirocinio
  • Materiali e Metodi
  • Risultati e Discussione
  • Conclusioni
  • Bibliografia

Lo studente dovrà preparare una presentazione come supporto per illustrare le sue attività di tirocinio.

L’elaborato e la presentazione potranno essere redatti in italiano o in inglese, in particolare se il tirocinio pratico è stato svolto presso Istituzioni straniere.

Il laureando deve inoltre scrivere un riassunto di una pagina che deve contenere: nome, cognome e matricola dello studente, nomi dei relatori e referenti, titolo dell'elaborato di tesi, riassunto delle attività svolte nel tirocinio. Il riassunto deve essere scritto in italiano, anche nel caso in cui la lingua scelta per l’elaborato di tirocinio e la presentazione sia l’inglese. Sarà cura del laureando inviare tale riassunto al Presidente del Corso di Studio cinque giorni prima della seduta di laurea in modo che sia messo a disposizione dei Commissari.

Conduct of the final examination

The procedures for the conduct and assessment of the final examination are laid down as follows: at the end of the placement the undergraduate student must prepare a report of no more than 20 pages (in Italian or English with a summary in Italian) in which he/she describes the methods used and the main results obtained. The Summary, one page, must contain the name, surname, registration number of the student,  tutor name, title of the report, and description of the activities. The summary must be sent to the Course President five days before the official graduation session and will be made available to the Commission members.
On the day of the official graduation session (final examination), the Graduation Committee appointed by the Director of the Department and composed of the professors/instructors  and possible co-supervisors, and other professors/instructors and scholars of the subject (a minimum of 5 members) meets.
The student illustrates to the Commission the methodologies applied and the results obtained.
The presentation may be in English according to the University Regulations and the presentation time must not exceed 7 minutes.
The chairman of the commission is responsible for enforcing the time schedule and ensuring the uniformity of the final assessment. The Commission asks the student questions designed to verify the autonomy achieved in processing the concepts and practical experiences of the placement.
The rapporteur presents an overall assessment of the candidate, possibly proposing praise if the conditions exist.
The committee, taking into account the assessment of the supervisor and the assessment of the degree interview, awards an increment of up to a maximum of 5 points on the arithmetic mean of the marks for the individual subjects calculated out of 110. A student who graduates 'in progress' receives an additional 1 point for the graduation grade. If the final score, the sum of the admission grade and the dissertation grade, exceeds or equals 110, the committee awards the degree grade 110/110 or '110/110 cum laude'. The awarding of honours requires the attainment of 110/110 and the presence of at least 3 honours in the profit examinations, and unanimous approval by the committee.
The proclamation is made by the President of the Degree Committee by proxy received from the Magnifico Rettore. The candidate is officially proclaimed Dottore of Biotechnology with the award of the final grade. 

Rewards for student representatives on university bodies and organs

At its meetings of 8 April and 6 May 2021, the Council of the Department of Chemistry, Life Sciences and Environmental Sustainability resolved to award the "special mention at graduation for the service provided in support of the functioning of the University Bodies" to students who have participated in the Collegiate Councils listed below, for at least one year of activity and provided that they have guaranteed attendance at at least 75% of the meetings (excused absences up to a maximum of 25% of the total number of meetings will also be counted as attendance).
Students must self-certify their participation by sending a communication to the Course President when submitting their degree application, specifying:
-the type of collegiate body

-the time span of the term of office of the representative

-the dates of the meetings in which he/she actually took part.

The Course President, with the assistance of the Quality Assurance Office, will check what has been self-certified and will proceed to inform the President of the Degree Committee. 
The special mention at graduation for the service offered to support the functioning of the University bodies appears only on the degree certificate (on tax stamps) that the student may request from the Student Registry Office, while it will not appear on the one that the student can download directly from ESSE3.

Domanda di Laurea

È attiva la procedura on-line per presentare la domanda di ammissione a sostenere l’esame di laurea.

La procedura deve essere completata almeno UN MESE prima della Seduta di laurea e l’ultimo esame deve essere verbalizzato almeno 10 GIORNI prima della Seduta di laurea.

Dal sito di Ateneo si dovrà cliccare sulla voce Studente iscritto> Servizi di Segreteria on line> Domanda di laurea; sarà necessario accedere al servizio con le proprie credenziali di Ateneo.

Per informazioni seguire le indicazioni riportate alla pagina web




Toll-free number

800 904 084

Student registry office

T. +39 0521 905116

Quality assurance office

Education manager 
Elisabetta Davolio Marani
T. +39 0521 905613
Office Edidattica.scvsa@unipr
Manager E.



Course President

Prof Mariolina Gulli'

Faculty advisor

Prof Giovanna Visioli
Prof Benedetta Passeri

Career guidance delegate

Prof Paola Goffrini

Erasmus delegates

Prof Elena Maestri

Quality assurance manager

Prof. Mario Veneziani


Prof. Mariolina Gullì

Tutor students

Ms Beatrice Giardina

Ms Sophia Luche