cod. 1005030

Academic year 2016/17
3° year of course - First semester
Academic discipline
Scienze infermieristiche ostetrico-ginecologiche (MED/47)
Scienze ostetriche
Type of training activity
10 hours
of face-to-face activities
1 credits
hub: -
course unit
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Learning objectives

The course aims to enable the student to know and understand the essential elements of assistance to the labor / delivery / newborn analyzing etiology, symptomatology and treatment in low-and high-risk pregnancy.
Another key objective is to be the ability to apply knowledge and understanding during simulations .
The course also aims at the attainment of communication skills with the patient, the family context and all healthcare professionals involved in the event birth.


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Course unit content

The course aims to provide students with the tools and theoretical and practical concepts useful for understanding the basic skills of midwifery care at childbirth and postnatal period, monitoring of fetal and maternal well-being. knowledge assistance to the newborn with particular reference to the first hours of life and the possible need for resuscitation. Knowledge of midwifery skills in the specific daily actions relating to the registration obligations and Recommendations Ministerial.

Full programme

childbirth care, postnatal
• obstetric risk Definition, diagnosis of low-risk obstetrician.
• Pain in childbirth and the art of support in labor: voice, light, noise, temperature, position.
• Clinical monitoring of the trend of labor.
• partogram, Bishop score.
• The time of the birth, the birth phenomena, periods of childbirth.
• Monitoring of fetal well-being: bcf detection intermittently, directions to the continuous CTG monitoring, conversion criteria, emergency maneuvers.
• Assistance to the afterbirth: blood loss, placental control, lochiazioni, post-partum.
• Withdrawals from umbilical cord neonatal ph, isoimmunization, ABO and Rh, collecting cord blood.
• Report and labor; assistance mode
newborn care
• Early treatment to the newborn. neonatal adaptation.
• The first treatment. Correct positioning of the infant, the upper air intake, heat loss prevention, clamping cord, Apgar, the infant identification, early attachment.
• Neonatal prophylaxis: ophthalmic, vitamin K.
• Assistance to the neonatal intensive care.


• Miriam Guana, La disciplina ostetrica teoria,pratica e organizzazione della professione, McGraw-Hill
• Andrea Robertson , L’ostetrica e l’arte del sostegno durante il parto, McGraw-Hill
• Verena Schmid , Il dolore del parto, Centro Studi Marsupio
• Bestetti, Colombo, Regalia, Mani sul parto, Carocci
In addition, each lesson will be supported by teaching materials and references.

Teaching methods

The modalities of teaching and lectures will be tutorials but also on mannequins, watching movies, and use of laboratories (clinical cases analysis) in order to apply their knowledge and understanding of the dynamics of relational event istaurano birth. The exercises will be individual and group in order to provide the opportunity for each student to be able to measure in the search for solutions to real problems that will be made.

Assessment methods and criteria

The assessment of the achievement of the objectives of the course includes an oral assessment.
The will consist of questions regarding the course this is to ensure the achievement of the knowledge and understanding of the content and the evaluation will investigate the contents of the oral modes of communication / relationship of the student in the application of a real clinical case. Also during the oral assessment will be required practical application of the knowledge acquired.
The final score will result from the evaluation of teaching oral, as well as the evaluation of classroom attendance and participation.

Other information

The manikin simulator Sim Mom (possible) and medical records.

2030 agenda goals for sustainable development

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