cod. 15783

Academic year 2016/17
3° year of course - Second semester
Professor responsible for the course unit
integrated course unit
6 credits
course unit
in - - -

Learning objectives

The course aims to develop knowledge and understanding of the operating mechanisms are in a health care system and the many variables that influence the developments. The course will also provide students with the tools to understand and analyze healthcare organizations, their various components and their processes and the basic concepts of research methodology.
It will also allow the student to know and understand the essentials of assistance and management in emergency obstetric care.
Another key issue becomes the ability to apply knowledge and understanding during simulations.


Basic knowledge of Italian healthcare setting
Knowledge of the basic aspects of research methodology.

Course unit content

The course aims to provide students with awareness of the cultural and organizational framework and political context, both at the macro level of the health system, which at the micro level of health care organization in which to carry out their professional practice. They will learn the main research methodologies, with particular reference to the quantitative and qualitative research. Following we will be provided to the students the bases to interpret and evaluate a scientific paper. In the second part of the course, students will be guided in the development of appropriate research designs.
In addition the course will provide students with the treatment of various pathologies that may arise in labor and complicate itself with in the delivery room simulations.

Full programme

- The concept of health system
- The development of health systems
- Theoretical models
- Comparative systems: access to care, the provision of benefits, financing
- The Italian Health System
- Systems that change: major reforms
- Concepts and basic theories of the organization: the organizational environment, social structure, technology, organizational culture
- The change in healthcare organizations: analysis of recent developments in the hospital setting and in the territorial
- The process approach: context and definitions
- From the process to the path
- The implementation and monitoring of routes

The research midwife: the objectives and fields of action.
The choice of the research design.
The instruments of quantitative and qualitative research.
Quantitative research: objectives, techniques, sample selection.
Variables and indicators.
Qualitative research: objectives, techniques, sample selection
Stages of research: Reference Literature Review. Selection of the sample. data collection. Data analysis. Dissemination of results of a search.
critical reading of a scientific article.
practical application of the elements learned in drawing individual or small group of simple research projects.

Definition Emergency-Triage Urgency- obstetrician. in the emergency communications
assistance to breech birth.
Vacuum extractor.
Shoulder dystocia
Cord prolapse.
Mal occiput and poorly fetal presentations positions.
Placental abruption.
uterine rupture.
Placenta previa.
Antepartum hemorrhage.
Pre-eclampsia and eclampsia attack.
Urgencies and emergencies cardiotocographic in labor.
the multiple birth assistance.
Pathologies of the afterbirth. Failure to second. Retention material. Hemorrhage.
uterine inversion.
Genital puerperal hematoma.
Postpartum hemorrhage treatment.
cardiac-arrest cardiopulmonary resuscitation.
neonatal resuscitation in the delivery room.


Vittorio Mapelli, Il Sistema Sanitario Italiano, Il Mulino.

A. Ragusa e C. Crescini, Urgenze ed emergenze in sala parto, edizione PICCIN

Fain James A. - La ricerca infermieristica. Leggerla, comprenderla e applicarla. Mc Graw-Hill

Teaching methods

Front interactive lectures, group work. Exercises. Simulations in the delivery room of scenarios.

Assessment methods and criteria

Oral examination. Processing and presentation of a research project. The teaching final score will result from the oral / practical evaluation, as well as the evaluation classroom attendance and participation.

Other information

Simulator Sim Mom

2030 agenda goals for sustainable development

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