cod. 13015

Academic year 2014/15
1° year of course - First semester
Stefano CAROTI
Academic discipline
Storia della filosofia (M-FIL/06)
Storia della filosofia e istituzioni di filosofia
Type of training activity
60 hours
of face-to-face activities
12 credits
course unit
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Learning objectives

A sufficient acquaintance with the main topics of the philosophical debates in XVIth-XVIIIth centuries. Reading and learning ability, related mainly to philosophical texts; good acquaintance with philosophical terms and with different philosophical schools.
Contextual processing of assimilated notions: a) in coeval philosophical discussions; b) in other fields such as scientific, literary, artistic. Writing in clear and argued form of papers on philosophical texts and problems.
Gaining abilities in doing research through the acquaintance with the sources and the main bibliographical instruments. Reaching a good niveau of personal judgement.
Enhancing arguing ability to present and convey the philosophical topics.


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Course unit content

«Si l’univers physique est soumis aux lois du mouvement, l'univers moral ne l'est pas moins à celles de l'intérêt. L’intérêt est sur la terre le puissant enchanteur qui change aux yeux de toutes les créatures la forme de tous les objets». (Helvetius, "De l’esprit", s. i. t., Londres 1779 , p. 60 (Discours II, chap. 2) . From vertue to interest: metamorphosis of passions.

Full programme

The main focus is the rôle of passions on human behaviour and social conduct from René Descartes' "Les passions de l’âme" to Adam Smith’s "The theory of moral sentiments". In the first part the reading of some passages from the most important works will provide a survey of the topic’s philosophical context. The second part will be devoted to a closer analysis of Adam Smith’s The theory of moral sentiments.


first part:
-Antology of philosophical texts from Renaissancce to I. Kant to download from the site of the course
-a Handbook on Modern Philosophy:
a) Storia della Filosofia diretta da M. Dal Pra, vol VII: La filosofia moderna dal Quattrocento al Seicento, Milano-Padova, Vallardi-Piccin Nuova Libraria 1999
b) P. Rossi-A. Viano, Storia della filosofia. 3. Dal Quattrocento al Seicento, Roma-Bari, Laterza 1995;
c) N. Abbagnano, Storia della filosofia, Torino Utet, or Milano TEA.

second part:
-I. Kant, Critica della ragion pratica, Libro II, trad. F. Capra, Roma Bari, Laterza 2003, (EL,94), pp.235-323.
-A. Schopenhauer, Metafisica dei costumi, Milano, SE 2008 (Testi e documenti), pp. 35-64.

Teaching methods


Assessment methods and criteria

paper and oral examination

Other information

news and research material in the web site of the course

2030 agenda goals for sustainable development

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Toll-free number

800 904 084

Student registry office

E. segreteria.corsiumanistici@unipr.it
T. +39 0521 033707

Quality assurance office

Education manager

Ms. Maria Velardi
T. +39 0521 034254
E. maria.velardi@unipr.it

Course President

Prof. Fabrizio Amerini
E. fabrizio.amerini@unipr.it

Faculty advisors

Prof. Roberto Pinzani
E. roberto.pinzani@unipr.it
Prof. Andrea Sebastiano Staiti
E. andreasebastianostaiti@unipr.it

Careers guidance delegate

Prof. Andrea Bianchi
E. andreabianchi@unipr.it

Tutor Professors

Prof. Fabrizio Amerini
Prof.ssa Beatrice Centi

Prof. Roberto Pinzani

Erasmus delegates

Prof. Wolfgang Huemer
E. wolfgang.huemer@unipr.it
Prof. Italo Testa
E. italo.testa@unipr.it

Quality assurance manager

Prof. Pierfrancesco Fiorato
E. pierfrancesco.fiorato@unipr.it


Prof. Gemmo Iocco
E. gemmo.iocco@unipr.it

Tutor students

Dr. Irene Pisani
E. irene.pisani@studenti.unipr.it
Dr. Chiara Incoronato
E. chiara.incoronato@studenti.unipr.it
Dr. Leonardo Mammi

E. leonardo.mammi@studenti.unipr.it
Dr. Elisa Diambri
E. elisa.diambri@studenti.unipr.it