Learning objectives
1- Knowledge and comprehension skill
Goal of the course: knowledge of Antonio Rosmini's epistemology in relationship to the contemporary discussion of the XIXth century.
2- Applied knowledge and comprehension skill
Application of the methodologies and topics of the Italian Philosophy (particularly of Rosmini) to set of problems in other periods of the history of philosophy.
3-4-5- Autonomy of judgment, communication and apprehension skills
Development of autonomous as well as critical judgment of the philosophical texts through oral communications and historical well-documented papers.
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Course unit content
The course deals with the epistemology of Antonio Rosmini. We will analyze its main concepts as well as the most important consequences for the contemporary discussion of the XIXth century.
Full programme
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Sources (obligatory):
A. Rosmini, Nuovo saggio sull'origine delle idee, Roma, Città nuova 2003-2004.
Teaching methods
Lecture and analysis of texts.
Active interaction between the teacher and the students in form of discussion of individual problems of the course.
Assessment methods and criteria
The final exams consist in a paper and an oral discussion. The student has to send to the teacher, at least one week before the oral examination, a paper (7-9 pp.) about a subject of the course. The student must show the ability to develop in a sinthetic way a coherent as well as in-depth discussion of a philosophical question. The paper will be evaluated in “trentesimi” and discussed with the student during the oral examination.
The oral examination will focus on the paper and on the texts of the bibliography. The final grade represents the average of the grade of the paper and the grade of the oral examination. The oral examination aims especially to verify: 1. the comprehension of philosophical texts; 2. the ability to think in a philosophical way and apply the learned concepts to specific problems; 3. the appropriate use of the philosophical terminology.
Other information
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2030 agenda goals for sustainable development
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