cod. 00660

Academic year 2016/17
3° year of course - First semester
Academic discipline
Glottologia e linguistica (L-LIN/01)
Filologia, linguistica generale e applicata
Type of training activity
36 hours
of face-to-face activities
6 credits
hub: PARMA
course unit
in - - -

Learning objectives

The course of general Linguistics aims

The first part of the course aims to supply to the students the basic instrumentation for a good knowledge of the institutions of the discipline.

The second part, of monographic character, aims for a first pertaining to content and methodological widening, diverged from year to year, of a prominent theme.



Course unit content

The course, which aims to provide students with the basic concepts for the acquisition of a modern language training, is dedicated mainly as institutional to present and discuss the basic concepts of general linguistics, addressing in parallel nodal points of the discipline (from terminology issues, the communicative aspects, to the main psycho- and socio-linguistic concepts).

Full programme

It will be given during the lessons.


De Saussure F., "Cours de Linguistique générale" [CLG], Payot 1916 (till the part 'syncronic linguistics' (§ 192, p. 168 in the ediction Laterza by Tullio De Mauro). Astori, D. "Appunti di linguistica generale", Bottega del Libro edizioni, Parma 2015.

Teaching methods

Frontal lessons and seminarial activity. The final verification is in 30/30.
The course will also be offered in a blended way on the distance learning platform called Elly.

Assessment methods and criteria

oral. We test the general knowledge, content and methodology, of the discipline. Among the most important content of the assessment at least: clarity, logic of argumentation, the competence of the technical language, ability to interdisciplinary links, adequacy of the answers to the questions asked.
About the distribution of the overall score of the vote, up to 8 points are related to the knowledge of the text of Saussure, up to 8 to the book of Astori, up to 8 to the programme discussed in class; you will earn up to 3 points with an (optional) research agreed with the teacher during the course, and up to 3 will be gained through the interaction within the classroom activities.

Other information


2030 agenda goals for sustainable development

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