Learning objectives
The course goal is to give the students the fundamental notions pertaining the general part of the Criminal law and, consequently, to help them build the foundations for a deeper understanding of the others Criminal law-related subjects.
To be allowed to enroll in the Diritto Penale I examination, students must have successfully passed Istituzioni di diritto privato and Istituzioni di diritto romano. Diritto Penale I must be passed to enroll in the courses of Diritto penale II and Diritto processuale penale as well as the other courses comprehended in the scientific-educational categories IUS/16, IUS/17 e MED/43.
Course unit content
The course mainly focuses on the concepts pertaining the general part of the Criminal law, with particular reference to the chapters concerned with the Code general provisions and the so-called “theory of crime” (teoria del reato). The course will also cover some practical cases, so as to show how the general concepts found in the general part of the Code relates to their application in practice.
A. CADOPPI, P. VENEZIANI, Elementi di diritto penale, Parte generale, V ed., Padova, CEDAM, 2012 (538 pages). P. VENEZIANI, La punibilità. Le conseguenze giuridiche del reato, vol. III, book II of Trattato di diritto penale, diretto da C. F. GROSSO, T. PADOVANI, A. PAGLIARO, Milano, Giuffrè, 2014, chapters I, II, III, VI, IX, X, XI only. Students should use an updated Penal Code, like one of the following: L. ALIBRANDI (a cura di), Codice penale e leggi complementari, Piacenza, Casa editrice La Tribuna, last edition available or R. BRICCHETTI (a cura di), Codice penale, Milano, Il Sole 24 Ore, last edition available or C. E. PALIERO (a cura di), Codice penale e normativa complementare, Milano, Raffaello Cortina Editore, last edition available.
Teaching methods
In addition to the traditional lectures, seminars and practical exercises will be organized (with the help of tutors), in which recent cases will be analyzed.
Assessment methods and criteria
The exam is oral and its goal is to understand the level of comprehension of the student and his ability to make connections between different topics. The exam also evaluates the ability of the student to communicate with a proper legal language. No intermediate tests are planned.
Other information
The students which will constantly follow the lectures may ask to the Professor for some variations on the aforementioned course program. The students should carry an updated Penal Code at all classes, seminars, and practical exercises.