cod. 1005584

Academic year 2013/14
5° year of course - Second semester
Stefano MAFFEI
Academic discipline
Diritto processuale penale (IUS/16)
Type of training activity
36 hours
of face-to-face activities
6 credits
hub: PARMA
course unit

Integrated course unit module: CRIMINAL PROCEDURE

Learning objectives

The course offers to students 1) a comprehensive analysis of Italian criminal procedure, including foundational principles, rules of evidence, investigation, judgments and appeals, 2) an ability to develop critical thinking on the most controversial issues of the subject 3) updates on statutory reforms and rulings of the Italian Constitutional Courts on matters of criminal procedure


In order to sit the subject of Criminal procedure students must have passed Foundations of Private Law, Foundations of Roman Law and Criminal Law

Course unit content

The course offers a comprehensive analysis of Italian criminal procedure in the light of constitutional principles and international treaties. Special attention will be paid to statutory reforms and rulings of the Italian Constitutional Court that had an impact on the Code of Criminal Procedure

6 Credits
Prof Stefano Maffei

Program includes the following parts of the Italian Code of Criminal Procedure: I (Subjects) – II (Pleadings) - III (Evidence – only in relation to subsection III), V (investigations and preliminary hearing), XI (international cooperation)

Full programme

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O. DOMINIONI e altri, Procedura penale, Turin, Giappichelli, II edition, 2012 (chapters XVII-XXVII are excluded). Students should also purchase the Italian Code of Criminal Procedure, with the latest statutory amendments.

Teaching methods

Lecture-based course. Students are encouraged to take part in conferences/seminars on criminal procedure matters that may be held in Parma during the year. Occasionally, guest lecturers (lawyers and members of the judiciary) may be invited to teach

Assessment methods and criteria

Oral examination on three/four topics relating to different aspects of criminal procedure. The exam is passed when students can show a basic understanding of the topics and their impact in the overall criminal litigation. Lack of knowledge of a foundational principle, rule that is regarded as fundamental will not be acceptable. Clarity and ability to explain issues in a concise and critical manner are also part of the evaluation process.

Students who attend classes on a regular basis will be allowed to sit a portion of the exam within the month of May in relation to parts I-II-III (only subsection III)-IV-IV of the Italian Code of Criminal Procedure). The remainder portion of the exam in such cases will have to be sit within the month of July 2014

Other information

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2030 agenda goals for sustainable development

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